Chess parents upset by schools’ switch of vendors
Doug Carroll
The Arizona Republic
Jul. 5, 2007 12:59 PM

Elementary-school chess players seem to be the pawns in a tug-of-war that is raging between a local, parent-run organization and the Gilbert Public Schools.

The school chess program, run by the district’s Community Education Department, was put up for bid recently because the district has experienced difficulty in finding coaches.

The non-profit Gilbert Parents Chess Alliance and Chess Emporium, a business in north Phoenix, each bid on a contract to administer chess clubs for the 2007-08 school year in the district’s elementary schools.

The district’s governing board awarded the contract to Chess Emporium on June 12, but the parents group filed an appeal last week challenging that decision.

“They felt we didn’t have the experience necessary to run a district-wide program,” said Debbie Maneth, an officer with the GPCA. “They took the easy way out.”

Because Chess Emporium is not affiliated with the U.S. Chess Federation and uses its own rating and tournament system, opportunities for competition will be limited for district students, Maneth said.

Here is the full article.

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