Place of discoveryCape Fear Museum has history for adults, fun for kids
By Nate Hewitt,
Star-News Intern

Some parents might not think bringing children to a quiet museum is a great idea. But the Cape Fear Museum is geared toward kids with exhibits that they can actually touch, smell and hear, rather than just see from a distance.

…The museum hosts a new international traveling exhibit every few months. The current exhibit, “Playing Together: Games,” invites kids to learn about and play games – from the 3,000-year-old Egyptian game Senet to classic hopschotch to shuffleboard – that span time and geography.

The focal point of the exhibit is a giant chessboard with life-size chess pieces. The exhibit, which will be open until Sept. 3, includes a game library where visitors can check out games and play in the gallery.

Here is the full story.

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