TWU workshop touts chess as instructional tool

If you’ve always wanted to be more like Mr. Spock, now’s your chance.
By John P. Meyer

On Friday, Aug. 17 Jerry Nash, scholastic chess director for the U.S. Chess Federation, will hold a workshop at Texas Woman’s University devoted to the use of chess as an instructional tool.

Topics to be discussed include “Coordinating the Five Communities: Implementing Chess as a Teaching Tool” and “The University’s Role in Implementing Chess as a Teaching Tool.” Mr. Nash will also attempt to demonstrate the relationship of chess to math skills, critical thinking and character development. (If he succeeds in this demonstration, it might go a long way toward explaining how I ended up as an underemployed English major who experiences difficulty deciphering DART timetables while plotting ways to get out of jury duty. Which is to say, I don’t do chess…)

The workshop will run from 9 a.m. ’til noon in Hubbard Hall; you may attend for free, but pre-registration is required, so if you want to get in on this character-building opportunity, call 940-898-2211 to register. (Or, you can email

May the chess force be with you.

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