All games were drawn. Three out of the four draws were less than 23 moves. They wanted an extra rest day.

Aronian versus Topalov lasted 123 moves. First, Topalov was better. Then, Aronian was better but Topalov was able to luckily hold on for a draw.

Svidler – Leko 1/2
Bacrot – Vallejo 1/2
Radjabov – Ivanchuk 1/2
Aronian – Topalov 1/2

These are the standings after 3 rounds:

1-2. 2.5 GM Peter Leko (Hungary 2740), GM Peter Svidler (Russia 2765)

3. 2.0 GM Vassily Ivanchuk (Ukraine 2729)

4-5. 1.5 GM Levon Aronian (Armenia 2752), GM Ettienne Bacrot (France 2717)

6. 1.0 GM Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria 2801)

7-8. 0.5 GM Teimour Radjabov (Azerbaijan 2700), GM Francisco Vallejo Pons (Spain 2650)

Knowing the results after 3 rounds, who do you pick as the top three finishers? Posted by Picasa

Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar