I just created a brand new site: http://chessbenefits.blogspot.com. I need your help to compile as much information as possible related to Chess in Education, Chess in the Schools, the countless Benefits of Chess for people of all ages, etc....
US Championships LIVE!
Live chess broadcast powered by ChessBomb and Chessdom Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
More from San Luis, Argentina
Susan Polgar dejó su sello en los tableros puntanos 18/04/2011 La gran maestra disputó simultáneas con personas no videntes e instructoras de ajedrez de la ULP. El sábado jugó con los chicos de la Escuela de Talentos de la...
The benefits of chess
Los beneficios del ajedrez, de la mano de una ex campeona mundial 15/04/2011 La ajedrecista húngara, Susan Polgar brindó una conferencia en la ULP en la que sostuvo que el juego ciencia mejora la capacidad de razonamiento y...
Chess event in San Luis, Argentina
Alumnos de Ajedrez Escolar Inicial jugaron simultáneas con Susan Polgar14/04/2011 Un grupo de 60 chicos jugó con la ex campeona mundial. Participaron más de 600 alumnos de diferentes escuelas de San Luis. Los otros jóvenes compitieron con entrenadores de...
Royal Automobile Club Centenary Celebration
ROYAL AUTOMOBILE CLUB CENTENARY CELEBRATION 100 BOARD SIMULTANEOUS CHESS EXHIBITION This year the Royal Automobile Club celebrated the centenary of its Pall Mall Clubhouse and the 1911 founding of its Chess Circle with a 100 board simultaneous display...
US Championships round 5 report
For more information, please contact: Mike Wilmering Communications Specialist Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis mwilmering@saintlouischessclub.org 314.361.2437 Desperate Push for Qualification Continues By FM Mike Klein Round five of the U.S. Championship produced the most fighting chess...
Russian Team Championship LIVE with many Superstars!
Live chess broadcast powered by ChessBomb and Chessdom Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Special pattern chess tactic
Black to move. How should black proceed? 6kr/P5p1/8/1P3p2/4p1n1/6P1/3q1BP1/R4QK1 b – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar