White to move. How should white proceed? 8/8/k1P3p1/6r1/3K4/1N4PP/8/8 w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Banawa and Atoufi earn IM norms in LA

4th Metropolitan FIDE InvitationalFM Joel Banawa and FM Pedram Atoufi achieved IM norms The 4th Metropolitan FIDE Invitational concluded this weekend on April 10th. It was organized by Ankit Gupta and directed by Randy Hough and Michael Belcher. The...
Melody Amber 1993

A friend just pointed out a chessgames.com link to the results and games of the 1993 Melody Amber which both Judit and I took part in. Combined Results: 14.5 – Ljubojevic14.0 – Anand13.5 – Karpov12.5 – Ivanchuk12.0 – Judit...
LIVE games from Dubai!
Live chess broadcast powered by ChessBomb and Chessdom Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
2 share lead at European Senior after 5 rounds

LIVE round 6 games: http://scacchivda.com/escc_2011/06/Round6.html Leaders after 5 rounds: Rk. Name sex FED Rtg Pts. TB1 TB2 TB3 Rp 1 GM Butnorius Algimantas LTU 2388 4.5 10.5 16.5 4 2594 2 GM Cebalo Miso CRO 2486 4.5 8.0 13.5...
Record Entry for Thai Chess Open in Pattaya

Record Entry for Thai Chess Open in Pattaya A record entry of more than 200 players are participating in the 2011 Thai Chess Open, which started today at the Dusit Thani Resort in Pattaya. The field is headed by...
Cinderella brought home the glass slippers

Cinderella brought home the glass slippers April 10, 2011 – 7:14pm AVALANCHE-JOURNAL Heavy underdog Knight Raiders win the biggest national collegiate chess titleby PT In only our second year competing in Division I chess, the Texas Tech Knight Raiders...
Game saving endgame

White to move and draw. How should white proceed? Source: ChessToday.net Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar