Photo and information courtesy of Frits Agterdenbos of Dutch Club Team Championship 2006-07, R605.03.2007 The Dutch Club Competition Premier League Round 6 took place on 3 March 2007. Share Dimension Groningen (top 100 players Kramnik, Nisipeanu, Naiditsch, I.Sokolov,...
Chess Marketing and Promotion Part 1
This was my original post yesterday: There have been a lot of discussions about chess marketing and promotion. Some just cannot do it and some have no problem with it. Why can’t the USCF or some other organizations do...
Introducing Mr. President
That’s Dr. Mikhail Korenman introducing former Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev at the Chess for Peace festival in Lindsborg, Kansas. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
A look back at Chess for Peace
Dr. Mikhail Korenman was the leading figures behind bringing former Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev to Lindsborg, Kansas for the Chess for Peace event. He was also responsible for bringing over 50 young Americans to Moscow as part of the...
Picture of the day
Six year old chess enthusiast Ilan Cohen of Washington, DC celebrated the Jewish holiday of Purim (March 4 this year) in proper chess style. The celebration, observed in carnival celebrations by Jews around the world, commemorates the defeat of...
Madeline tied for 2nd at State
Congratulations to Madeline Bender! She finished in a tie for 2nd at the 2007 NY State Scholastic Championship with the score of 5-1, just 1/2 point out of first! The only game she lost was to the event winner...
So what’s your preference?
Many fans complain about their favorite players not getting the invitations to XYZ tournament. Others complain that some players who always draw too much keep getting more and more invitations. So if you are the organizer: – Which active...
NACA event kicks off today
Beginning Monday March 5, 2007 @ 6:30pm Central Time, the North American Chess Association and the Touch Move Chess Center proudly present the 4th North American FIDE Invitational. A field of 10 players will mentally spar over 9 rounds...
Robert Hess, America’s newest IM
Congratulations to 15 year old Robert Hess for recently earning his third and final IM norm. He’s America’s newest IM! Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Is Anand invincible in Linares?
Standings after 10 rounds: 1. Anand 6.52-3. Ivanchuk, Carlsen 5.54-5. Svidler, Aronian 5.06. Topalov 4.57-8 Leko, Morozevich 4.0 Round 11: Tuesday, March 6th Alexander Morozevich – Vishy AnandMagnus Carlsen – Vassily IvanchukPeter Svidler – Veselin TopalovLevon Aronian – Peter...