A raffle for our Facebook and Twitter followers! The North American Chess Association (NACA) announces a raffle for those that are followers on our Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/nachess) and Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/nachess) social media outlets. We are raffling off four (4) 7″...
NACA Announces North American Chess Center

NACA Announces North American Chess CenterGrand opening on the weekend of National Chess Day Throughout the course of Chicago history there has been many chess centers and chess clubs. From the Chicago Chess Club (or was it Chicago Chess...
On track for 2nd GM norm

In after only 4 round, Ray Robson has faced 2 of the 3 GMs needed for the opportunity to earn a GM norm. He is also in clear lead with 3.5 /4. His victims so far include: GM Izoria,...
Chess battles bring all ages to Skokie

Chess battles bring all ages to SkokieAugust 22, 2009 6:27 PMUPDATED STORY Jayce Feiger’s between-match routine is simple: Take it easy and forget about the last one. After battling to a draw in his first competition of the day...
NACA update

NACA Update Hello everyone and welcome back to the regular emails from the NACA giving updates on our chess activities. We ended last year off with organizing eleven (11) IM norm tournaments monthly taking December off. This is a...
6th North American FIDE Invitationals

6th North American FIDE InvitationalChicago, IL – Oct 28 – Nov 3, 200810 players from around North America come together in search of gaining their International Master titles bestowed by the World Chess Federation, FIDE. Participants include one of...
Incredible scholastic events for young Illinois players

For more information about these wonderful events, please go to http://www.nachess.org/northshore/ Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar

The North American Chess Association (NACA) was founded in 2006 for the purpose of furthering amateur and professional chess across the North American countries of Bermuda, Canada, Mexico, and the United States of America. In addition to furthering amateur...
North American FIDE Invitational

The 5th North American FIDE Invitational will kick off on April 15, 2007 and conclude on April 21, 2007. The event is being hosted at the Touch Move Chess Center that is owned and operated by IM Angelo Young....
IM Kraai wins the NACA event!

The tournament is now complete! Round 9 results! Turgut – Loncarevic: 1/2-1/2FM Pasalic – IM Young: 1/2-1/2FM Felecan – FM Chow: 1/2-1/2Vishnuvardhan – IM Kraai: 0-1Shankar – IM Vigorito: 1/2-1/2 Final Standings: 1st – 7.5/9.0 – IM Kraai2nd –...