My sister Sofia just sent me this funny Hungarian Chess Video clip. Click here to watch it. No need to understand Hungarian 🙂 Enjoy! Tell me what you think after you watch it 🙂 Chess Daily News from Susan...
What we can learn from our children?
I saw this poster at one of the elementary schools that I visited today. These are good rules that adults sometimes forget. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Kramnik wins overall, Anand wins Rapid at Amber
Round 11 29th March 2007 Blindfold Leko-Radjabov 1/2Carlsen-Van Wely 1/2Svidler-Morozevich 0-1Gelfand-Anand 1/2Aronian-Ivanchuk 1-0Vallejo-Kramnik 1/2 Rapid Radjabov-Leko 0-1Van Wely-Carlsen 0-1Morozevich-Svidler 0-1Anand-Gelfand 1/2Ivanchuk-Aronian 1/2Kramnik-Vallejo 1/2 Final Standings: 1. Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2766 15.52. Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2779 13.53. Ivanchuk,...
Actions at the Fairview school
Playing against some of the school club members. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Chess at Fairview German Language School
A lecture and simul at another school. This time, it is the Fairview German Language School. The kids are also so enthusiastic. There are nearly 150 children in the school chess club! Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Chess at Country Day School
Another picture from an event at Country Day school Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Motivating kids to play and stay in chess
I just gave a talk this morning at the Country Day school. It is wonderful to see so many kids so enthusiastic about chess! Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Young chess Queen marching forward
Young Chess Queen Makes Her MovesRun Date: 03/26/07By Angeli RasburyWeNews correspondent As a black girl Darrian Robinson faces minority status on two levels in the high-cost, high-pressure world of competitive chess. But the 12-year-old from Brooklyn, N.Y., isn’t focusing...
Meeting thousands of chess players
In the next few days, I will have a chance to meet over a thousand young chess players and countless chess supporters. It is very exciting! I will post about it shortly. This is one of the greatest things...
Laugh all you want at the chess club kids
Chess club still safe from geese Laugh all you want at the chess club kids — at least they don’t have to worry about goose droppings while check-mating an opponent. I was in the chess club. Dennis Junior High...