The picture above shows the current state of the USCF. Where is the leadership? What is the direction of this organization? Does anyone even care?

I was hoping to start 2007 on a positive note. But unfortunately, it could not happen. Countless malicious lies and outrageous misinformation was posted on the OFFICIAL USCF FORUM today by a USCF Executive Board member for dirty political reasons. This actually happens EVERY SINGLE DAY! And it is allowed! The Executive Board so far has not taken any action to stop this madness.

Welcome to the USCF! As I said before, some of these chess politicians have no clue on how to improve the USCF. They have no clue on how to help chess grow. They have no new ideas. And they do not want anyone to change things for the better.

A few hours ago, I received an email from a friend in chess for over 20 years. He is probably one of the most well known people in the chess world. He said point blank that he is so disgusted with the state of top level organized chess that he is willing, ready and able to walk away from chess forever. He is not the only one. Many feel the same way. I love chess and I cannot sit still and see my sport collapse in the hands of these chess politicians.

That is precisely the reason why I chose to take on this battle to fight against these destructive chess politicians. I am sure they will try to make my life and my children’s lives a living hell. They already did. They spare no one! They attack everyone in their way.

I also hope that our friends and colleagues from other countries will do the same. It is time to fight back and get rid of the cancer. Organized chess cannot continue to endure this kind of massive internal destructions.

I have knocked down enough barriers in chess in my 30+ years career. I am fully committed to knock down another one! My plans, agenda and goals are already in place and they will be revealed at the proper time. But I need your help to save the USCF. It is up to us to stand up and fight for what we believe in. We can start by showing these destructive politicians the door in the next election.
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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar