Zagreb chess tactic Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move. How should white proceed? Source: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
1. Qxh6+ Kxh6
2. Rh4+ Kg5 (2… Kg7 3. Rh7#)
3. f4+ Kxh4
4. g3+ Kh3
5. Bf1#
What a beautiful mate!
1. Qxh6+ Kxh6
2. Rh4+ (a) Kg7
3. Rh7#
2. … (b) Kg5
I haven’t worked out.
1.Qxh6+ Kxh6 2.Rh4+ Kg5 3.f4+ Kxh4 4.g3+ Kh3 5.Bf1#
My niveau : I find Qxh6+ and the mate up in the corner, only very short of posting my ‘solution’ do I stumble upon Kg5. Gladly, in the tactic puzzle world, there is a happy end for everything
Very cute! And it happened in an actual game…!
I love it when the lady gives it up for the team
Mate in five. Fairly straight-forward and obvious idea.
1.Qxh6+ Kxh6
2. Rh4+ Kg5
If 2. … Kg7 3. Rh7 mate
3. f4+ Kxh4
4. g3+ Kh3
5. Bf1 mate
queen sacrifice on h6+ followed by rook+ then pawn+…KxR pawn+ Kh3 and Bf1++
This is very pretty, and all the more so because of all the distractions that one has to look past.
This is how I see it (but I’ve been wrong before):
1. Qxh6+ Kxh6
2. R-h4+ K-g5
3 P-f4+ KxR
4. P-g3+ K-h3
5. B-f1#
1Qxh6+ Kxh6
2Rh4+ Kg5
3f4+ Kxh4
4g3+ Kh3
1. Qxh6+ Kxh6
2. Rh4+ Kg5
3. f4+ Kxh4
4. g3#
1. Qxh6+! Kxh6
2. Rh4+ Kg5
3. f4+! Kxh4
4. g3+ Kh3
5. Bf1#
1.Qxh6+ Kxh6 2.Rh4+ Kg5
(2…Kg7 3.Rh7#)
3.f4+ Kxh4 4.g3+ Kh3 5.Bf1#