I spent the last few days helping my two boys and a number of my students at the National K-12 / Collegiate Championship as well as talking and motivating hundreds of other chess parents / coaches, etc. When I finally had a chance to look at the USCF and a few other forums, I see countless posts containing personal / vicious / vindictive attacks filled with lies and hatred toward some of the good people who plan to run for the USCF Executive Board to help the USCF. Another word, the same old garbage, the same old who cares about the USCF and their power / ego come first.

How do we end this kind of petty and destructive behavior by the same old chess politicians who do not want to let go of their pseudo power? Instead of doing positive things, they are too busy digging up dirt to harm innocent people who are in their ways. They spare no one. They attack and try to destroy everyone who can help this federation. This HAS TO STOP! What do you suggest? How can we fix this problem? How can we get rid of this kind of people forever for the sake of chess and the USCF?
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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar