GM Bu Xiangzhi, WGM Huang Qian, GM Zhou Weiqi, WGM Zhang Xiaowen, GM Zhao Jun – GM Hou Yifan / WGM Xiaobing “Vivian” Gu

Youngor Chinese Chess League Division A has accomplished first three rounds competition during Apr. 16 to 18 in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province.

Report by WGM Xiaobing “Vivian” Gu

The participated ten teams:

1. Shandong Linglong Tyre Chess Team
2. Zhejiang province Chess Team
3. Beijing Renmin University affiliated high school Chess Team
4. Tianjin Nankai University Chess Team
5. Shanghai Jianqiao College Chess Team
6. Guangdong Huateng Chess Club Team
7. Chongqing Mobile Chess Club Team
8. Beijing AIGO Chess Team
9. Hebei Province Chess Team
10. Jiangsu Lanpo Telecom Chess Team

All Chinese prestigious chess grandmasters have engaged in this tournament, including GM Wang Yue, GM Wang Hao, GM Bu Xiangzhi, GM Ni Hua, GM Zhou Jianchao, new star of 2009, GM Ding Liren, Former women chess world champion as GM Xie Jun, GM Xu Yuhua, The members of World Team championship as GM Hou Yifan, GM Zhao Xue, WGM Ju Wenjun, WGM Shen Yang, WGM Huang Qian, etc. also participated. Besides of this, Russian top player Alexanda Motylev and another former world champion Zhu Chen, who now already immigrated to Quatar after married also come as foreign assistant.

Taltented boy Wei Yi, who just passed 11-year-old plays to break the national youngest player ever record. Many people think a genius is ready and he just plays among top grandmasters, ready to be proven.

After three rounds competition, Shandong Linglong Tyre Chess Team takes lead with a unbeatable full-winning mark, Shanghai Jianqiao College Chess Team following with two win and one draw, scoring 5. Beijing AIGO chess team also wins two rounds buy a loss made them staying in the third currently. The tournament will paused for around one month and restart in Shenzhen, Guangdong province in June.

The opening ceremony took placed by the beautiful Jiao Lake in the morning of Apr, 16th. WGM Gu Xiaobing appeared to be the hostess.

There were theatrical shows “Chess in Ningbo” and “My country and I” presented by the chess kids from Xinghua, Jiangsu, a famous town of chess in China. “Fighting on the top of Dapeng, Traveling through the mountains and the waters”, brings us a compelling atmosphere.

(Photos can be seen from the blog of Ye Rongguang:

For more details of the China Chess League, please visit the official website: The The live broadcast page is:

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