JUNE 13-18, 2017
Madison, Wisconsin USA
The Wisconsin International Chess Festival is a 9 round Swiss event with GM and IM norm possibilities. It is hosted in the heart of Wisconsin’s Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel in Madison, Wisconsin (3841 East Washington Avenue, 608-244-2481) FREE breakfast, FREE internet, FREE parking, $79 single or double, reserve by June 1st and mention CHESS. Wisconsin state capital with multiple attractions within walking or short driving distance.
Click Here to Register
FREE shuttle from Madison Airport. From Chicago (O’Hare or Midway) take Van Galder Bus: http://www.coachusa.com/vangalder/ss.tickets.asp. From Milwaukee Airport (General Mitchell) take Badger Bus: https://www.badgerbus.com/
Guaranteed: $3,000-$2,000-$1,000-$500-$500, top u2450 $500, top u2250 $500 Minimum Prizes(must complete all 9 rounds): $500 for foreign GMs (first 5), $100 for all foreign FIDE rated players.
Entry Fee
GMs free, no deduction from prizes; IMs $159, FIDE 2200+ $249, FIDE u2200 $299, FIDE unrated $349. $50 more after 5/15, $100 more after 6/5. All players must confirm their arrival by 4pm on 6/13 in order to be paired for round one.
HOTEL: Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel 608-244-2481, $79 single or double, reserve by June 1st and mention CHESS.
TIME CONTROL: 40/90, SD/30, 30 sec/move increment
- Round 1: 6pm Tuesday, June 13th
- Round 2: 11am Wed, June 14th
- Round 3: 6pm Wed, June 14th
- Round 4: 11am Thu, June 15th
- Round 5: 6pm Thu, June 15th
- Round 6: 11am Fri, June 16th
- Round 7: 6pm Fri, June 16th
- Round 8: 11am Sat, June 17th
- Round 9: 11am Sun, June 18th
Saturday, June 17th at 7 pm. A five (5) round double Swiss, $500 minimum prize fund. Entry Fee is $40 by June 15th, $50 afterwards
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