I like this puzzle because I got this one correct. ( same as Daniel. ) I like all the puzzles that I solve. haha.
Did anyone notice that kid Magnus Carlsen beat up on an adult in the world cup. that susan polgar is teaching all these kids to beat the adults at chess. we need some chess teaching for adults to help us compete against those kids.
it was a great and exciting endgame. well worth looking it over. it was game #1 in the 3rd round. Magnus was Black no less.
I think this game is making me into a Magnus Carlsen fan.
In my last big tournament I lost to a 15 year old and a 16 year old. the kids walked off with all the prize money it seemed to me.
anyway I was talking to the mom of one of the kids who beat me. and she felt it was only fair that the kids pay $18 to enter the tournament and the adults pay $100. I am not so sure. If the adults were going home with the kids money that would seem unfair. but the kids go home with the adult’s money big time. haha.
by the way. most of these kids were getting at minimum weekly lessons from Grandmasters. some were getting 2 and even 3 chess lessons a week. needless to say their rating was going up fast. they just love to beat the adults.
I remember at another tournament I watched one of my chess club members get blown off the board by a 11 year old. the kid was so good I was laughing. it was so funny. this little kid who could not reach across the table and move the pieces without standing on the chair. Immediately and consistently had the perfect move. my friend was very embarassed losing so bad. I thought it was great fun because it was not me losing.
f7 Qxf7 Nf6+ Qxf6 now white has bishop and king and that is not enough to win.
K and bishop are insufficient mating material. I learned this the hard way in a long tournament game. I thought I had the game won because I had a bishop and king against king and was told by everyone that it was a draw. I was so disappointed but I have not made that mistake a 2nd time.
Hi I’ve been looking for message related blogs and I came across yours on White should White do now? during my trawl, so I thought it would be polite to let you know about my visit. You are most welcome to come and visit me at message. I would also be happy to trade links with you if you are interested. Bye for now and have a nice day! Roy.
Ng7+ QxN Bd8+ Qg6+ BxQ HxQ K moves somewhere and soon queens his pawn and wins
Faster should be Ng7+ Qxg7 fxg7 h3 g8=Q with mate next move.
“What should White do now?”
how about asking Black to resign.
I like this puzzle because I got this one correct. ( same as Daniel. ) I like all the puzzles that I solve. haha.
Did anyone notice that kid Magnus Carlsen beat up on an adult in the world cup. that susan polgar is teaching all these kids to beat the adults at chess. we need some chess teaching for adults to help us compete against those kids.
it was a great and exciting endgame. well worth looking it over. it was game #1 in the 3rd round. Magnus was Black no less.
I think this game is making me into a Magnus Carlsen fan.
In my last big tournament I lost to a 15 year old and a 16 year old. the kids walked off with all the prize money it seemed to me.
anyway I was talking to the mom of one of the kids who beat me. and she felt it was only fair that the kids pay $18 to enter the tournament and the adults pay $100. I am not so sure. If the adults were going home with the kids money that would seem unfair. but the kids go home with the adult’s money big time. haha.
by the way. most of these kids were getting at minimum weekly lessons from Grandmasters. some were getting 2 and even 3 chess lessons a week. needless to say their rating was going up fast. they just love to beat the adults.
I remember at another tournament I watched one of my chess club members get blown off the board by a 11 year old. the kid was so good I was laughing. it was so funny. this little kid who could not reach across the table and move the pieces without standing on the chair. Immediately and consistently had the perfect move. my friend was very embarassed losing so bad. I thought it was great fun because it was not me losing.
i thought f7 followed by nf6+ 🙂
OK f7 followed by Nf6+.
well that is creative. but does not work.
f7 Qxf7 Nf6+ Qxf6 now white has bishop and king and that is not enough to win.
K and bishop are insufficient mating material. I learned this the hard way in a long tournament game. I thought I had the game won because I had a bishop and king against king and was told by everyone that it was a draw. I was so disappointed but I have not made that mistake a 2nd time.
white (sic) should white do now?
Hi I’ve been looking for message related blogs and I came across yours on White should White do now? during my trawl, so I thought it would be polite to let you know about my visit. You are most welcome to come and visit me at message. I would also be happy to trade links with you if you are interested. Bye for now and have a nice day! Roy.
Interesting is the same position with an extra white pawn on h3:
1.Ng7+ Qxf7
2.Be8+ Qg6+
3.Bxg6+ hxg6+
4.Kf4 g5+
5.Kf5 wins
Good and sharp eye, Arjan!
I suppose indeed that the puzzle contained a typo, because the solution is too straightforward and trivial.
There must be a h3 pawn!
Any clue, Mrs. Polgar?
Arjan was very good.
In fact, this is a study with two typos!
The original one has a white pawn on h3 and a black pawn on f6!
1.Ng7+ Qxg7
2.Be8+ Qg6+
3.Bxg6+ hxg6+
4.Kxf6 g5+
5.Kf5, Black is forced to play 5…g4, and then
Source: Gruber,S, Magyar Sakkvilág, #305, 1932