First of all, I would like to thank everyone who supported me and my vision to turn the USCF into a respectable, viable and professionally run organization. The USCF cannot survive without improvement.

Secondly, for those of you who did not support me, I am looking forward to having a chance to work even harder to win your support for the good of the USCF and US Chess.

The election is NOT over. Only less than half of the ballots have been counted. As I said repeatedly, I would be happy and proud to serve with all qualified candidates. I consider many of them friends. I hope that they will work with this board to help the USCF even if they are not elected.

I decided to enter in this election for one main purpose and that is to help US Chess and the USCF and I am looking forward to do that. It pains me to see the failure in this federation. I do not believe in dirty chess politics. I believe in putting the best interest of chess first and I believe in involving as many members as possible in the process.

This is why I created this interactive blog. Every USCF Executive Board decision and business deals in the next four years will be posted on my blog. There will be no skeleton behind the closet. It is time to unite and not divide. It is time we treat our members, supporters, volunteers and sponsors with respect.

This federation lost a lot of credibility in the world of chess. FIDE has not awarded any bid in the US in a long time. We, as an organization, must re-establish our professional connection with FIDE and strengthen our relationships with our neighboring countries such as Canada and Mexico. We must also partner up with Global Chess and ACP as well.

Here was my campaign promise and this is what I will do for the next 4 years:

– Restore respectability, integrity, credibility and professionalism to the USCF.
– Reestablish a sound and balanced budget.
– Develop strong cooperation and support for adult, scholastic, collegiate, correspondence, Internet and military chess.
– Establish a strong professional marketing and PR system to help improve revenues.
– End the petty and destructive politics.

Once again, thank you so much for sticking by me and helping me through this process. It has been the most difficult 6-7 months of my life. It was hard to sit there and read the countless lies, vicious attacks, insults and threats. But your support and encouragement helped me through it. I do not want any revenge or counter attack. Our number one goal should be the welfare of US Chess and the USCF.

Now is day three of the Susan Polgar All-Star Training at the New York Athletic Club. I will update you with more info later.

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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