Edition Olms has published a book titled Figthing Chess with Hikaru Nakamura by Karsten
Müller/Raymund Stolze.
GM Nakamura’s reaction on Twitter suggests that he is not really happy:
“It is truly disgusting that people are allowed to write books and profit off of our games without our permission”.
Source: ChessToday.net
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
He should be paid $2 million for his games. Oh wait, Rex already paid him.
He’s right. His work is being used by others for profit.
Players should get royalties or be cited as co-authors in the case of books devoted entirely to their games.
That would be a good law for all sports, but in the meantime FIDE could institute a media blackout which would block public access to seeing the board or pieces. This could be done with cardboard covering the chess set or a computer generated blotch where the board should be. The games would eventually be released to the public in 75 years as per standard copyright law. Nakamura is on to something here.
He needs to write his own book on his games then! It would surely sell more than anybody else’s (about him).
Should all biographies other than auto-biographies be banned? No. Same applies here.
I don’t really like this guy’s negativity. Just like when he plays chess. He seems angry. Not a fan of him for that reason. He got owned by Magnus Carlsen a while back.
This can hardly be the first time that somebody made money from one of Nakamura’s games. What about all the websites broadcasting them live? Magazines? Database DVDs?
Maybe he should consider producing his own annotations in a ‘My 60’ if he wants to get in on the action. Presumably he would share any proceeds 50-50 with his opponents.