Tricky puzzle Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move and win. 4R3/2B4P/2pP4/2P5/1p5p/1P4pk/1b4p1/6K1 w – – 0 5 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
first move is obviously h8=Q.
1. h8=Q Bxh8 2.Rxh8 Kg4 3.d7 h3 4.Bxg3 Kxg3 and white wins.
The line goes like this right?
oops.. sorry.. I just saw if h8=Q, Bd4+ and later if white takes it back, stalemate. Sorry.. have to think for another while. 🙁
I got it. h8= Bishop. Somehow, my mind always think of queening.. -.-
I guess white shud be able to win later.
The answer is h8=B.
1. h8Q or Re4 leads to a draw after
The first move most be 1.h8B! as everything else runs into stalemate (or mate) after black’s -Bd4+.
If white corectly under-promotes, does black still have something to compensate for his huge material disadvantage?