Young chess champ wins across the board
January 14, 2010

A NINE-YEAR-OLD chess champion, who first started playing when she was three, checkmated her opponents at a national tournament where she finished as the top girl.

Beatrice Steele from West Horsley recently won the Best Girl Under 10 prize at the London Junior Chess Championships, from where the England team is selected.

Beatrice, who goes to Raleigh School, has a string of tournament wins under her belt, including coming second in the Godalming Chess Congress.

The youngster, who first played chess in reception class at St Teresa’s School, has competed in 10 competitions.

According to Beatrice, the appeal of chess lies in the amount of skill involved.

“There’s lots of tactics and it’s so complex,” she said. “It’s so fascinating to watch people play.

“I would like to keep playing chess for a very long time. I would like to play professionally but I know I have got a long way to go.”

Here is the full article.

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