FIDE campaigns center on Latin and Central America, Honduras first in sight
After Tadjikistan the focus of campaigns shifts

FIDE election campaigns continue with full power. After the Karpov2010 Campaign HQ gave up on the Tajikistan chess federation earlier today, now the argument over Honduras is officially open.

Kasparov recently visited Nicaragua as part of the campaign for Karpov’s candidacy.

“The host was Jean-Pierre Chamorro, the president of the Nicaraguan Chess Federation. Along with neighboring El Salvador and its federation president Marvin Guevara, Chamorro was an early supporter of Karpov’s candidacy, surprising some who believed Ilyumzhinov would hold a lock on the region. Even more surprises were to come during this visit, however, as Honduras and the federation president Denis Diaz also signed on for Karpov. You may recall that several days ago Kirsan Ilyumzhinov’s presidential ticket was published, with a list of supporting federations. That list included Honduras,” reports Chessbase.

Apparently Deniz Diaz has signed for both candidates, in Spanish and English. He did so for the Ilyumzhinov camp on May 22, as soon as we have the documents from Karpov2010 HQ they will be published on Chessdom as well.

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