The naughty get entirely too much attention these days, so I am going to celebrate those who have been nice to NICE and the chess community. I will add to this list right up until Christmas Eve.
Still time to get on board. See for ways to help.
Diane Alley and her siblings who this year chose to donate the money they would spend on gifts to each other ($330) to NICE.
Stuart Ashman – for his $100 donation.
Richard Bentley – former NPS Superintendent who gave the parting gift of $200 to support the program he has backed in so many other ways from the moment he arrived from Texas. The kids will miss him.
Dr. Yuri Barnakov – Norfolk State University and his wife and son who have volunteered . Yuri is the force behind the ressurection of the NSU chess club initiative.
Dr. Arthur Bowman – Norfolk State University – The rock upon whom we will build our chess program and outreach to the schools. He is relentless as an advocate and generous with his personal time.
Dr. Raymond Cheng – Old Dominion University who started NICE on the path to its first tournament, re-started the university’s chess club and has dedicated many personal hours volunteering at Lamberts Point with out kids.
Sean Clark – Norfolk Parks & Recreation, Director of the Lamberts Point Community Center, who has supported NICE from jumpstreet with free space, publicity and staffing. He has given us a home, a family of children to help and no matter how we expand in the future, it all started at Lamberts Point with Mr. Sean.
Golden Key Society of Old Dominion University – donated the $330 from their book drive to our tournament for March 2012.
Rener Gracie – Gave his time and talents to our chess players to make them Bullyproof. He changes many lives in a very short period of time with his strength he taught us courage and tactics for off the 64-squares. We will continue to teach Gracie Bullyproof with his help and that of Dr. Bill Odom here in Norfolk, Virginia.
Maurice Jones – Publisher of The Virginian-Pilot Newspaper and head of Pilot media he has been there almost literally from the first week I began this program in a tiny double-wide trailer that served as the high school where I taught.
Monica Kello – At age 16, she has volunteered selflessly teaching chess and Gracie Bullyproof tactics at our summer and winter programs. She is also a talented young artist who is helping formulate chess crafts for next summer’s chess camp at Lamberts Point!
Dr. Patricia Melisi – Principal of Larchmont Elementary school who welcomed us into the lives of her students.
Dr. Page Laws – Dean o f the NSU Honors College who opened the door to our program and then held to there. First person at Norfolk State University to take up the torch for chess. This Queen was quickly joined by every piece on her side of the board.
Bill Odom – Norfolk Karate Academy and LiveSafe Foundation for bringing the Gracie Bullyproof program to our players at his own expense and for assisting us in obtaining our 501c-3 status as part of his organization in 2012. He gives his personal time to help keep chess kids from being victims of children who are jealous of their skills and who have not yet had the benefit of learning chess and how not to be a bully from our program.
GM Susan Polgar – Dear Santa: Please send me 100 more just like here and the world will be just lovely. Susan should really have a whole list just to herself for all she has done for chess in our community over the past four years from sending us our first clocks to supplying a NetBook and camera which has allowed me to bring NICE videos to the world. She is already at the top of the Nice list 2012 for her upcoming visit to our first all-girl Virginia Queens’ Tournament March 2nd & 3rd here in Norfolk, Va. The all-girl was her brainchild and she has mentored me through every step of the way along with her husband, Paul Truong.
Polgar Blog Readers – You rocked it this year with not only donations but tremendous emotional support and encouragement. The advise and guidance, especially from Dr. Alexander Hamilton, has helped keep me on point.
Jada Pinkett-Smith – for her support of a teenage player and paying for the room & board that allowed her to compete. Special thanks to Angela Golightly, who worked with us for weeks to make a happy ending for one of many Chess Cinderellas in need.
The Taylor Family – for volunteering their days with our players to teach them how to be safe, strong and Bullyproof.
Paul Truong – for unlimited support and advice. He makes sure the world knows what is happening here and for that we can’t thank him enough.
Geral Ronning (age 75) – who volunteers no matter what and walked over 45-minutes the night he missed his bus just so he would not disappoint the children.
Jay Ryan – benefactor of our feast of clocks as well as books and sets.
The Suhay boys – my sons Ian, 16, Avery, 12, Quinten 8 and Zoltan 18, all play chess and have all given up their nights and weekends to come and help other kids and adults learn the game. Ian especially has given more time than any of our volunteers both for the love of the game and his natural joy in teaching.
Ernie & Joan Schlich – Tidewater Chess & USCF for his countless hours of support and guidence both with NICE and in setting up Virginia’s high school chess league. Joan for her tireless volunteer work and support.
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Solomon – for their multiple donations of gently used chess sets and materials which they drive a multitude of miles to deliver.
God bless you. Every single one!
*Posted by Lisa Suhay
Very nice.