The brilliant Judit Polgar won the second game of the match against Leinier Dominguez. The opponents will meet in tie-breaks…

— The match turns out to be very hard for me, — said Judit Polgar at the press-conference. — Yesterday I did not manage something and I lost the game. After the defeat it was extremely difficult for me to concentrate on the fight with Black and continue the battle for the right to play in the next round. As a result I managed to come around, to concentrate and to fight against Leinier.

I seem to have been lucky in the opening: my opponent was thinking a lot and found himself in the time trouble. Leinier had to sacrifice a piece but it did not help him: as a result he got a complicated position for White.

At one moment we got rather a non-standard composition: a rook with two bishops against two rooks and two pawns of the opponent.

I do not know whether this position is a winning one, however, as a result there was a rook and a bishop against White’s rook on the board. I was sure that I had a winning position. Moreover, I used to examine this endgame. But today because of the fact that I was too tired I could not implement my advantage.

Thanks God, I finally managed to concentrate and lead the game to the victory.


Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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