Michael “fpawn” Aigner vs. GM J. Ehlvest – Next to fpawn is GM Akobian

The first event of the Las Vegas International Chess Festival is the chess camp conducted by GM Susan Polgar, GM Dimitry Gurevich, IM Ben Finegold and NM Tom Brownscomb.

The second event to kick off is the US G/10 Championship with GM J. Ehlvest, GM V. Akobian and many more strong players.Korchnoi is already here in Las Vegas trying to overcome the jetlag.

The Susan Polgar World Open Championship and Susan Polgar World Chess Challenge for Boys will start tomorrow. The National Open, probably the most “player friendly” big event in the US, will also begin tomorrow.

Stay tune for a lot more coverage of these exiciting events.

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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