I attended the following USCF meetings / workshops today:

– Denker Committee (The Denker event will change the time control to G/90 with 30 seconds increment next year. In addition, the event will also be reduced to 4 days and 3 nights. The proposal is day 1 / 1 game, day 2 and 3 / 2 games each, day 4 / 1 game. This will be in effect next year in Dallas.)

– Polgar Committee (Official announcement that the Polgar event will take place next year in Lubbock, Texas at Texas Tech University. The winner of the Polgar will receive a full 4 year scholarship in addition to a state of the art laptop. There will be additional prizes. This year, the Polgar event offers an additional $80,000+ in prizes and scholarships in addition to the full scholarship by TTU.)

– College Chess Committee (Announcement that the College Chess Committee has unanimously accepted my proposal of having different divisions in competition. There will now be college championships for Division I 2200 and above, II 2000-2199, III 1800-1999 and IV under 1800. I presented SPICE to the College Chess Committee. The age limit for graduate students have been increased to 30 years old. Last year, there were 58 universities played in College Chess events with a total of 81 teams. An average of 450 university contacts were emailed about the tournaments. There are 225 university clubs.)

– Outreach (Many discussions about getting chess out there to various communities. Myron and Rachel Lieberman will release all the details shortly.)

– Scholastic Committee (Discussions about World Youth and Pan Am. Money issues were also discussed as well as various rules and regulations. Brownsville is bidding for the 2008 National Youth Actions, etc.)

I also gave a lecture for the Polgar participants and their parents, followed by organizing the SP Bughouse tournament. The Chief TD for the Bughouse tournament was Paul Truong.

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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