Today is Tuesday, May 20, 2008. It is 5 days after the last extension date after a gazillion delays granted by FIDE before that and there is no still word from any of the 3 sides (FIDE, Topalov and Kamsky). The last we heard is the money was supposed to be transferred but there was no confirmation. The other side is quite skeptical and maintains the attitude of “yeah right” and “show me the Euros”.

I just scanned all the popular chess sites such as the FIDE website, TWIC, Chessbase, Chessdom, Chessvibes, RusChess, ICC, Chess Today, etc. There is absolutely no update from anyone.

What could possibly be the problem? What is your opinion? Some of the most popular questions that have been raised are:

– Why $750,000 while the highest bid was $150,000?
– Why so much secrecy for such a long time?
– Why so many delays?

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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