A long way from theory of relativity
By Lisa Dillman, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
April 20, 2007

Our fascination with mascots at sporting events has been nearly a lifelong one, knowing no bounds and largely falling into two categories:

• What were they thinking?
• Is someone taking a delight in scaring young children?

These thoughts surfaced upon spotting a picture of “Chessy,” the mascot of the recently completed European Chess Championships in Dresden, Germany. His blue suit looks like a plastic rain poncho and his “hair” and sizable clown-like nose are supposed to create the image of Albert Einstein.

That noise you just heard was Einstein flipping over in his grave.

Still, the website took a whimsical view of Chessy, writing, “Especially the children are fascinated by the figure. None of them, as far as we know, has run away screaming.”

Here is the full story.

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