The Grand Slam Final will begin tomorrow. Bacrot and Naiditsch are leading a strong Montreal Invitational.
Georgia and Poland are leading the Women’s World Team Championship in China. The US Women’s Team is not faring very well after 4 rounds. GM Sandipan is leading a strong Kolkata Open tournament in India.
Hikaru Nakamura is the new #1 player in the U.S., followed by Alex Onischuk. Kamsky is now at #3 after a string of so so results.
It’s Saturday Open Forum. What would you like to discuss? The forum is yours.
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
How come the reigning US women’s champion Anna Zatonskih is playing on board 2? Zatonskih is higher rated on both the USCF and FIDE list than Krush. What’s the deal?
Krush gives happy ending.
How come Susan keeps mentioning the $1.00 settlement offer to the USCF and says nothing about why they have rejected it?
Russell Miller Camas WA
She did here:
Sorry but I trust Polgar a lot more than Goichberg, Hall, and the rest of the USCF corrupt chess politicians who spent members’ money for their own political agenda. If they really believe in their case, they should use their own money and not members’ money.
Goichberg made millions from USCF members but he makes the USCF pay for his company’s legal fees. That’s digusting. It’s also an IRS violation.