It’s Saturday Open Forum. Corus is winding down with the last round taking place tomorrow. Anything can happen! Aronian, Radjabov, Carlsen, Anand, Kramnik, Adams and Ivanchuk are all still in it.

Gibraltar Chess Festival just started. So far, the most notable results came from Stefanova defeating GMs M. Gurevich, Petrosian and Akobian.

What would you like to discuss? It’s Saturday Open Forum!

On a side note, I have been asked countless times about how I choose the content for my blog. For those of you who are new to this blog, the answer is simple. I blog about topics that are of interest to me. It can be anything from chess news, chess promotion, chess arts, chess pictures, chess poetry, chess essays, basketball, football, baseball, golf, soccer, tennis, figure skating, movies, music, science, technology, business, history, finance, life to human interest stories and much more. Chess players do not have to be one dimensional, mean spirited or anti-social.

I love the interaction with other people from over 100 countries right here. If you have stories or various items from your part of the world which you would like to share with your fellow bloggers, please feel free to send it to or add it in the comment section. As I stated when I started this blog, this is for all of you in the chess community.

I also have a few other chess blogs and forum. Here is a small list:

BRAND NEW Chess Discussion Forum
US Chess Discussion Blog
SPICE Chess Blog
Susan Polgar Chess Pictures
Budapest Picture Blog
Susan’s Chess Blog for GIRLS

A full list can be seen on the left side of this blog.

Thank you for being a part of the new world of chess!

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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