The prestigious Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament starts today. The young phenom Yifan Hou is leading a strong women’s event in Turkey. Irina Krush is a full point back at +1.
The big news in the past few days is experts believe Da Vinci may have come up with the striking and elegant chess pieces that illustrate the puzzles the treatise discusses.
What would you like to discuss? It’s Saturday Open Forum. The forum is yours.
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
“[In Turkey], Irina Krush is a full point back at +1.”
Way to go, Irina! I hope that Irina will eventually get the GM title.
Hi Susan,
WCGM Anatply Karpov was wonderful last night in Glenview, Illinois playing a Simul.
GM Alex Onischuk and GM Yury Shulman also played along with Karpov.
Thank you for coming to the Chicago area last month to support chess and play in the same kind of Simul.
Betsy Dynako was there last night taking photos, so perhaps you could e-mail her for a photo to post here!
Thanks for posting the photo from Stevenson HS.
Your friend in chess,
Peter / chesstoplay
What ever happened to Salov?” and A Sokolov?
Did they just cry and go away?
Hou Yifan is incredible. She may come to rival Carlsen.
As for Zhu Chen and your sister Judit, marriage and children clearly do not help their chess!
anon 11:51,
Well, marriage and children may not be helping their chess, but it’s balancing out their life some. You’ll notice most world-class GMs aren’t married, or if they are, they don’t have kids. I think long-term, Zhu and Judit will probably be happier this way.
Just IMHO. 🙂
THANK YOU SUSAN FOR THE BEST CHESSBLOG ON THE NET! Thanks for all the other interesting articles also. My question is how do you compare the young Magnus Carlsen’s progress in chess to Bobby Fischers at the same point in his chess career?
I enter your blog plenty of times during the day and many a times I am too lazy to post my stand on issues. I am just worried that if you don’t see a lot of comments you might be thinking that you are not getting to people. Well, you certainly do get to me and I find your blog interesting. Just wanting you to know.
Best wishes
A. Weiler
Hi Susan,
Is there a chessbase file containing all the puzzles you posted so far ? I can make one by copying all the FEN below the posts but it will take a long time to do. So I was wondering if you could make it available. I will then update it everyday…Thank you.
Susan, will you be attending the K-9 Nationals in Dallas in April?
Sorry, I don’t save the puzzles. I make most of them up off the top of my head.
Yes, I will be in Dallas.
Best wishes,
Susan Polgar is a great site for chess problems (around 10,000!) from GM games…check them out! 🙂