I met Dr. Nedeljkovic at Lynn Babcock’s Houston chess club in the 1970s when he stopped by on a visit to the Houston Medical Center. He was accompanied by another Yugoslav I thought might be his “minder”. I remember the occasion particularly because I was starting out as an “A” player at the time, but after looking at my game for a few minutes he smiled and exclaimed “You are a master!” I had to say no, but I later did become a Senior Master, though I always remained an amateur in my approach to chess.
Well, if it weren’t for the b-pawn, black would mate with Rc3. In addition, the other important thing to note is that white is threatening mate of his own, so these two facts lend immediate standing to
1. … Rb3
Am I right ?
1. … Rb3
Am I right ?
Na3+ and Rc3+ mate.
its Na3+ bxa3 Rc3#
then Sa3+
b3, b2….
2. bxa, Rc3#
Na3+, bxN , Rc3 ++
Black will get mated by the white rook, unless
1. … Na3+
2. bxa(forced) Rc3++
bxa3 Rc3 mate
bxa3 Rc3 mate
I met Dr. Nedeljkovic at Lynn Babcock’s Houston chess club in the 1970s when he stopped by on a visit to the Houston Medical Center. He was accompanied by another Yugoslav I thought might be his “minder”. I remember the occasion particularly because I was starting out as an “A” player at the time, but after looking at my game for a few minutes he smiled and exclaimed “You are a master!” I had to say no, but I later did become a Senior Master, though I always remained an amateur in my approach to chess.
Who are you?
1. .. Na3+
2. bxa3 Rc3#
Na3+ bxa3 Rc3*
Pretty quick knockout with
1. … Na3+
2. bxa3 Rc3#
Na3+ ba3
1.. Na3 2. ba3 Rc3#
Ah A beautful mate
1 ..Na3+
2. bxa Rc3 Mate..
From Spain..
Greetings from Spain.
Sa3+ – ba3
Rc3 ##
this is faster… 🙂
Sa3+ – ba3
Rc3+ ##
1. Sa3+ bxa3 2. Rc3# , all forced and only way.
look out for white’s Ra8#, guys!
Well, if it weren’t for the b-pawn, black would mate with Rc3. In addition, the other important thing to note is that white is threatening mate of his own, so these two facts lend immediate standing to
1. …..Na3+
2. ba3 Rc3#
1…Na3 ch 2.bxa3 (only move) 2…Rc3 checkmate 0-1. (rigf)
bxa3 Rxc3#
Black has 2 options
1. …. , Na3+
2. bxa3 , Rc3#
Greetings from Spain
The phrase “Black has 2 options” was for another blog.
bxa3. Rc2#
bxa3. Rc2#
1. … Na3+
2. bxa3 Rc3#
Sorry from Spain
Anyway, pls help!
Where (and when) can I find the final, official solution of a chess tactic riddle?
I’ve been at church, so just seeing this one.
1… Na3+
2. bxa3 Rc3#