Albena Chess Open Round 8
Cheparinov and Rodshtein entering final round with equal points
The Albena Chess Open with a massive participation of 274 players and generous prize fund of 40000 EUR is taking place from 25th June to 3rd July in the sea resort Albena in Bulgaria.
GM Ivan Cheparinov defeated the Bulgarian legend GM Ivan Radulov (72) to catch Israeli GM Maxim Rodshtein on the shared first place. Rodshtein drew with Romanian champion Constantin Lupulescu and the two leaders now boast seven points each.
In another all-Bulgarian match GM Atanas Kolev, winner of the 2010 Georgi Tringov Memorial, won against the famous trainer and author GM Alexander Delchev. IM Andrei-Nestor Cioara stunned the much higher rated GM Momchil Nikolov with black pieces and broke through to the shared third place.
As Cheparinov and Rodshtein already played against each other, the winner of the tournament and other top places will be decided in the final round matches Cheparinov – Lupulescu and Rodshtein – Kolev.
The first prize in Albena is the impressive 8000 EUR, but what is even better for the chess enthusiasts, there are 30 prizes ranging from 1000 to 100 EUR for amateur chess players, and 16 prizes ranging from 500 to 100 EUR for youngsters. Exactly such prize distribution is very typical for the Super Opens and beneficial to the whole chess community.
Round 8 standings:
1-2. GM Rodshtein Maxim ISR 2638 and GM Cheparinov Ivan BUL 2669 – 7.0
3-7. GM Lupulescu Constantin ROU 2638, GM Svetushkin Dmitry MDA 2561, GM Kolev Atanas BUL 2590, GM Farago Ivan HUN 2448 and IM Cioara Andrei-Nestor ROU 2427 – 6.5
8-25. GM Szabo Gergely-Andras-Gyula ROU 2545, GM Delchev Aleksander BUL 2619, GM Grigoryan Avetik ARM 2608, IM Arnaudov G Petar BUL 2449, GM Jaracz Pawel POL 2575, GM Carlsson Pontus SWE 2497, IM Soltanici Ruslan MDA 2367, GM Sanduleac Vasile MDA 2424, GM Stanojoski Zvonko MKD 2493, GM Nevednichy Vladislav ROU 2542, Rzayev Bahruz Iqbal Oglu AZE 2292, Stoma Pawel POL 2326, IM Berbatov Kiprian BUL 2490, IM Pancevski Filip MKD 2399, GM Radulov Ivan BUL 2288, GM Spassov Liuben BUL 2384, FM Georgescu Tiberiu-Marian ROU 2397 and Vutov Mario BUL 2342 – 6.0
26-45. GM Nikolov Momchil BUL 2583, GM Chatalbashev Boris BUL 2591, IM Filip Lucian ROU 2467, Aseeva Marina RUS 2199, Kadric Denis BIH 2376, IM Dimitrov Pavel BUL 2344, Simonian Tigran ARM 2294, FM Lilov Valeri BUL 2412, IM Bargan Sergei MDA 2297, GM Georgiev Krum BUL 2423, IM Nikolov Sasho BUL 2418, IM Kiroski Toni MKD 2340, GM Ermenkov Evgenij BUL 2451, Ivanov Bogidar BUL 2179, WGM Jaracz Barbara POL 2275, GM Gruenfeld Yehuda ISR 2484, WGM Paikidze Nazi GEO 2408, Tashkov Rumen BUL 2248, WIM Gasik Anna POL 2223 and Primbetov Kazbek KAZ 2217 – 5.5 etc
Round 9 top pairings:
GM Cheparinov Ivan 2669 – GM Lupulescu Constantin 2638
GM Rodshtein Maxim 2638 – GM Kolev Atanas 2590
GM Farago Ivan 2448 – GM Svetushkin Dmitry 2561
IM Cioara Andrei-Nestor 2427 – GM Grigoryan Avetik 2608
GM Delchev Aleksander 2619 – FM Georgescu Tiberiu-Marian 2397
GM Sanduleac Vasile 2424 – GM Jaracz Pawel 2575
IM Pancevski Filip 2399 – GM Szabo Gergely-Andras-Gyula 2545
GM Spassov Liuben 2384 – GM Nevednichy Vladislav 2542
Vutov Mario 2342 – GM Carlsson Pontus 2497
GM Stanojoski Zvonko 2493 – Rzayev Bahruz Iqbal Oglu 2292
IM Berbatov Kiprian 2490 – IM Soltanici Ruslan 2367
IM Arnaudov G Petar 2449 – Stoma Pawel 2326
GM Radulov Ivan 2288 – GM Nikolov Momchil 2583
How come Nakamura isn’t playing in this one?