The Rilton Cup is taking place from December 27, 2006 to January 5, 2007. Here are the top 10 participants of this event:
1. GM Eduardas Rozentalis 2605 Lithuania
2. GM Kotronias Vasilios 2587 Greece
3. GM Emanuel Berg 2582 Sweden
4. GM Tomi Nyback 2575 Finland
5. GM Azarov Sergei 2566 Belarus
6. GM Lars Bo Hansen 2563 Denmark
7. GM Gleizerov, Evgeny 2560 Russia
8. GM Robert Fontaine 2557 France
9. GM Slavko Cicak 2530 Sweden
10. GM Pia Cramling 2528 Sweden
Here is the website for Stockholm. Here is the official website of the event.
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Hejsan, Zsuzsa
I found 3 games between you and Pia.
You really beat her up in Tilburg 1994. Please tell us about your games.
Here is another more ridicoulus link to Stockholm.
If they had one highly ranked IM in the field it would give somebody a chance to get a GM norm.