December 31st 2010
Fourth round

Morozevich- Caruana after an aggressive start and a few tactical moves agreed to a draw.

In the Navara-Onischuk game, the Czech GM decided to play 6. D4 not such a known move but black had to play careful or else he might ended up in trouble. Alex managed to play solid and easily equalize and a draw was agreed.

Michele Godena had to suffer from the beginning the pressure of Vugar’s preparation and he lost the game almost without fight. The spectators are all the time increasing, the playing hall is full of chess fanatics, well it’s with no doubt one of the strongest tournament not to say the strongest ever organized in Italy, only to be compare to Reggio Emilia’s 34th edition.

In Ivanchuk’s game he was very close to getting his first victory against Armenian GM Movesesian after the probably mistake 32..Qb8, better seem 32..f4 suggested by Ivanchuk’s second GM Manuel Leon Hoyos . After Vassily played the unprecise 37. Ra6 instead of 37. Nxd7 followed by Bb5 and the game finished in a draw.

The game Short-Vallejo became very wild after black played 19….e4. White is material up but black has a very strong center and pawns ready to advance crushing everything on their way. On the time pressure Nigel tried to create counterplay but the structure d4-e4-e3 is too strong. We can say Paco can celebrate the beginning of 2011 with 1.5 more than the runner up and this showing of a great form.

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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