Thursday December 30th 2010
The match Caruana against Short is already becoming a classic in tournaments , we can remember the dramatic game in corus B 2009 that qualified Fabiano to play the A on 2010. Will Fabiano know how to stop the “on fire” GM. The opening seem a quiet French-tarrash
variation and around move 21 the game become very alive with an f5 played by black that seem to weaken the kingside but opens the position and after some exchanges Fabiano enters in a queen endgame with an advantage and was able to collect the whole point.
Movsesisan –Godena is a theoric encounter in Michele “ pet line” . The Armenian GM ( from today he returns to represent Armenia) at move 15 decided to change and went for Na3 instead of 15. Qg3. It was a very complicated game but during the time pressure many pieces were exchange and at the end Godena was a pawn up but it seems it was not enough advantage to win.
Paco is inspired ! In the opening his queen takes the b7 pawn that seems a bit poison, but with an exchange sacrifice his keeps the possibility to attack and finally has the chance to play 27.Rxg7 that forces Navara into a very inferior endgame. In analisis room both players gave great commentaries. And now he leads with 2.5 out of 3
Onischuk and Ivanchuk made a draw. The American GM seem to have an advantage but it was not sufficient to win, but in the postmortem there was an interesting move Rc1 instead of c5.
Morozevich-Gashimov was a very long battle, seem during the game Morozevich had an slight advantage but it was a very close position but after five long hours playing the scenary changes a bit and now it seems Gashimov stands slightly better but maybe not enough to win. And draw was agreed after six hours of combativity.
Tough fight.