Following the April Council meeting on Saturday the following Directors have tendered their resignation effect 31 May 2008: Martin Regan (Chief Executive), Peter Sowray (International), Claire Summerscale (Junior Chess & Education; Women’s Chess) and Mike Truran (Non-Executive Director).
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Now only if Goichberg, Bauer, Hough and Berry would also resign, the USCF can finally be in good shape for the first time in 40 years.
Great post. I hope the 4 US guys will get the message.
Same old trolls – dear oh dear
Да, позем хорош для применения на теле. Мой банан сжимал от затирания его много времен. Шахмат будет потеха, котор нужно сыграть пока наг и нося тапочки кролика. Злейшая сосиска осла.
What’s the story?
Why did they all resign?