i dunno whether kh5 deserves !!. it’s a logical move. i can’t say whether kh3 leads to a draw, but it’s clear that after 1… qd3 we aren’t going anywhere since qg3 is impossible because of qxh7, so white has to get get back to g4 and find a better plan
Yes, it is … a win for White.
1. Kh5!! Qd1+
2. Qg4!! Qh1+
3. Kg6! Qc6+
4. Kg5 Qe3/e8 …
easy. 1. kh5 qf2 2. h8q qh2+ and we have a drawn position from Awerbakh 🙂
following Awerbah: find a position of the king where the checks are no longer possible. in this example it’s h6
for example. w: kh6, qg6, ph7; b: kb5, qh8
1 Kg5 Qd8+ 10. Qf6 Qd2+ 11. Kg6 +-
then we use checks to drive the black king uot of the draw zone and promote the pawn
out task is reduced to moving the king to h6 (and queen to g6 or f6):
1. kh5 qd1+ 2. qg4 qh1+ 3. kg6 qc6+ 14. kg5 qc1+ 5. qf4 qg1+ 6. kh6qb6 (qh1 7.kg6 qc6 qf6 8. ge8 9. kh6) 7. kg7 qb7+ 8. qf7 qg2+ 9. qg6 qb7+ 10. kh6 +-
btw, very doable in a practical game
i dunno whether kh5 deserves !!. it’s a logical move. i can’t say whether kh3 leads to a draw, but it’s clear that after 1… qd3 we aren’t going anywhere since qg3 is impossible because of qxh7, so white has to get get back to g4 and find a better plan
i dunno whether kh5 deserves !!. it’s a logical move.
It’s the only move to win.