I think this is a win for white because of the badly placed black king and queen. I am also sure that the line will start with Qh1+. I have found wins for some lines but have not been able to see through all lines.
Before I give the moves for this game,I would like to inform you that I will never ever use any chess programs to analysis the moves or even in my online games I am used to play chess,using my mind not by programs,even if I know at times that I am playing against machine in online games,I am used to use my mind alone in chess rather than any chess software.[I am not playing just for points,playing chess is my passion ]. If you have floated any online chess sites[Let me know] then I am ready to play against best players like you and even against machine.
Ref : “Q and P endgame”[ White to move ]
Sub : White can hold the ground at the same time,if there is any careless blunder from Black that might lead to white’s win.
White can hold the ground by as given below moves.
1. Qh7+ Ka2 2. Qb7 Qd4+ 3. Ke2 Qe5+ 4. Kf3 Qf5+ so like wise White can hold its position.Caution : While maneuvering the White King it should definitely avoid ” Kf6,Kf7,Kg7,Kg8,Kh8″ at this position of the game to avert defeat.
There are other combination,where Black can take upper hand,since its not the question here,I am not discussing it here.
White wins by checking black until the queen is close enough to mate or win blacks queen. Why would you ask if white can hold? You shouldn’t take a draw when there’s a fairly simple win. I don’t understand. Love This site though.
White must either mate or get a perpetual in my opinion. A mate is possible if white can get his king to c2, black’s king to a2 and white’s queen on b4- there would be no check for black in such a position and mate follows on the next move. This is the classical version of this mating motif (the cornered queen, and one I have actually enforced in a blitz game once, though from pawn race endgame), and the fact that the position is nearly there leads me to think it might be possible to force from this position. White must bring the queen forward with a series of checks. This is going to be complicated, so be forwarned (the variations are numerous, but a lot of them probably collapse into versions of each other).
Remember, white must be careful to not allow the blocking of a check with the black queen at b2, othewise the queens come off the board. The most obvious way to begin is:
1. Qh1 Ka2 (Kb2 2.Qb7) 2. Qd5 Ka3 (Kb1 or Kb2 see below) 3. Qa5 Kb2 (Kb3 4.Qa1 of course) 4. Qb4! Ka2 5. Kc2 and we have arrived at the winning position- any move by black either loses the queen or is mate on the next move. Now, for the other variations at moves 1 and 2:
1. Qh1 Kb2 2. Qb7 Ka2 3. Qa6 Kb2 4. Qb5 Ka3 (Ka2 5. Kc2 wins) 5. Qa5 Kb2 6. Qb4 Ka2 7. Kc2 and it is over as before.
The variations at move 2:
1. Qh1 Ka2 2. Qd5 Kb2 3. Qb7 and this is just like the previous lines above. Or
1. Qh1 Ka2 2. Qd5 Kb1 3. Qe4 Ka2 (Kb2 4.Qb4 and 5.Kc2) 4. Qa4 Kb2 (Kb1 5.Qc2#) 5. Qb4 Ka2 6. Kc2 and it is over.
I think this covers all the important variations. The only question I have is can white enforce this mate with the other possible first move 1. Qh7. I started the analysis before 1. Qh1, but is very, very complicated and I kept losing my way. I am not sure it is possible to force a win in that line, but a draw might be possible, though I am uncertain.
1. Qh7 Ka2 (Kb2 loses to 2. Qb7) 2. Qf7 Ka3 (Kb1 see below) 3. Qe7 Ka4 (Kb3 4.Qb7 Kc4 is drawn) 4. Qe4 Ka5 and here is where I started to lose the thread. All I can see here is 5. Qb7 and this should be a draw since the black king can no longer be mated and cannot be shielded from the checks either. Any check here frm the fifth rank might very well lose to b5, but that is also extrememly complicated and I kept losing my way. 1.Qh1 is superior in that it allows the queen to get to the center of the board in 2 moves cutting the black king off from the 4th and 5th ranks. I will be interested if anyone found a win with 1. Qh7.
feels like white can win coz of white’s king position and white chance to move …. feels like Qh1+ keeping eye on b7 so black has to move to a2 …then Qd5+ again keepin eye on b7 … has to move King to b2 so falls b7 with check … ya its a win for white .. plz reply back if any other line is ther ….
1 Qh7+..Ka2
2 Qg7+..Kb1
Keep repeating.
2 Qc2+ ka3
3 Qd3+ ka2
4 Qxa6+ kb(anything)
5 Qxb7+..
I think this is a win for white because of the badly placed black king and queen. I am also sure that the line will start with Qh1+. I have found wins for some lines but have not been able to see through all lines.
Hi Susan Polgar,
Before I give the moves for this game,I would like to inform you that I will never ever use any chess programs to analysis the moves or even in my online games I am used to play chess,using my mind not by programs,even if I know at times that I am playing against machine in online games,I am used to use my mind alone in chess rather than any chess software.[I am not playing just for points,playing chess is my passion ]. If you have floated any online chess sites[Let me know] then I am ready to play against best players like you and even against machine.
Ref : “Q and P endgame”[ White to move ]
Sub : White can hold the ground at the same time,if there is any careless blunder from Black that might lead to white’s win.
White can hold the ground by as given below moves.
1. Qh7+ Ka2
2. Qb7 Qd4+
3. Ke2 Qe5+
4. Kf3 Qf5+
so like wise White can hold its position.Caution : While maneuvering the White King it should definitely avoid ” Kf6,Kf7,Kg7,Kg8,Kh8″ at this position of the game to avert defeat.
There are other combination,where Black can take upper hand,since its not the question here,I am not discussing it here.
Venky [ Chennai – India ]
White can hold by perpetual checks.
1. h7+ and depending on where king moves, give check by staying on 7th rank.
Is it possible to keep checking on white squares?
i think by just giving checks continuously white can hold.. or i am wrong??.. cant see any other way!!
White wins by checking black until the queen is close enough to mate or win blacks queen. Why would you ask if white can hold? You shouldn’t take a draw when there’s a fairly simple win. I don’t understand. Love This site though.
Qh7+, Qc2+, then perpetual check from the c file Qc5, Qc4, Qc2
white can bring his queen to b4 in all variations, so white wins.
for example:
I love this blog!
I always try to solve some puzzles before the game because I have fun and it activates my mind.
1.Qh1+ Ka2
(Kb2 2.Qxb7+ Ka2 3.Qxa6+ Kb1
(Kb2 4.Qb5+ Ka2 5.Kc2)
4.Qd3+ Ka2 5.Qc4+ Ka3 6.Qa6+ Kb2 7.Qb5+ and 8.Kc2 white wins!)
2.Qd5+ Kb1 ( 2…Ka3 3.Qa5+ Kb2 4.Qb4+ Ka2 5.Kc2
2…Kb2 3.Qxb7+ as previous variation)
3.Qe4+ Kb2 (3…Ka2 4.Qc4+)
4.Qxb7+ Ka2 5.Qxa6+ etc.
, white wins!
White should manage to hold draw.
The easy one:
1: Qh7+,Kb2 (?)
2: Qxb7+,Ka2
3: Qxa6+,Kb2
4: Qxa1+,Kxa1
The longer one:
2: …,Ka2
3: Qe7+,Ka3
4: Qf3+,Ka4
5: Qxb7,
Now B cant get hold of white king. W king only has to stay close to a1 so after queen exchange it can go there and block pawn. 1/2-1/2.
1. Qh1+ Ka2
2. Qd5+ Ka3
3. Qa5+ Kb2
4. Qb4+ Ka2
5. Kc2 and wins
Yes! Qh7+ Kb2 Qxb7+ Ka2(Ka3) Qxa6+ Kb2 Qxa1 Kxa1 1/2 – 1/2
White must either mate or get a perpetual in my opinion. A mate is possible if white can get his king to c2, black’s king to a2 and white’s queen on b4- there would be no check for black in such a position and mate follows on the next move. This is the classical version of this mating motif (the cornered queen, and one I have actually enforced in a blitz game once, though from pawn race endgame), and the fact that the position is nearly there leads me to think it might be possible to force from this position. White must bring the queen forward with a series of checks. This is going to be complicated, so be forwarned (the variations are numerous, but a lot of them probably collapse into versions of each other).
Remember, white must be careful to not allow the blocking of a check with the black queen at b2, othewise the queens come off the board. The most obvious way to begin is:
1. Qh1 Ka2 (Kb2 2.Qb7)
2. Qd5 Ka3 (Kb1 or Kb2 see below)
3. Qa5 Kb2 (Kb3 4.Qa1 of course)
4. Qb4! Ka2
5. Kc2 and we have arrived at the winning position- any move by black either loses the queen or is mate on the next move. Now, for the other variations at moves 1 and 2:
1. Qh1 Kb2
2. Qb7 Ka2
3. Qa6 Kb2
4. Qb5 Ka3 (Ka2 5. Kc2 wins)
5. Qa5 Kb2
6. Qb4 Ka2
7. Kc2 and it is over as before.
The variations at move 2:
1. Qh1 Ka2
2. Qd5 Kb2
3. Qb7 and this is just like the previous lines above. Or
1. Qh1 Ka2
2. Qd5 Kb1
3. Qe4 Ka2 (Kb2 4.Qb4 and 5.Kc2)
4. Qa4 Kb2 (Kb1 5.Qc2#)
5. Qb4 Ka2
6. Kc2 and it is over.
I think this covers all the important variations. The only question I have is can white enforce this mate with the other possible first move 1. Qh7. I started the analysis before 1. Qh1, but is very, very complicated and I kept losing my way. I am not sure it is possible to force a win in that line, but a draw might be possible, though I am uncertain.
Here is the partial analysis I did on 1.Qh7:
1. Qh7 Ka2 (Kb2 loses to 2. Qb7)
2. Qf7 Ka3 (Kb1 see below)
3. Qe7 Ka4 (Kb3 4.Qb7 Kc4 is drawn)
4. Qe4 Ka5 and here is where I started to lose the thread. All I can see here is 5. Qb7 and this should be a draw since the black king can no longer be mated and cannot be shielded from the checks either. Any check here frm the fifth rank might very well lose to b5, but that is also extrememly complicated and I kept losing my way. 1.Qh1 is superior in that it allows the queen to get to the center of the board in 2 moves cutting the black king off from the 4th and 5th ranks. I will be interested if anyone found a win with 1. Qh7.
How old are you Venky, the solutions you give are like 1200 rated player
feels like white can win coz of white’s king position and white chance to move …. feels like Qh1+ keeping eye on b7 so black has to move to a2 …then Qd5+ again keepin eye on b7 … has to move King to b2 so falls b7 with check … ya its a win for white .. plz reply back if any other line is ther ….