Anastasia Karlovich: Hello, dear chess friends. We are in the press center of the Women’s World Chess Championship. Our guests are Harika Dronavalli and Mariya Muzychuk. Their first game of the semifinal match finished in a draw. Can you say a few words about today’s game? Harika can you tell us about the opening, this variation with 4…Bb4? It seemed to be your home preparation?

Harika Dronavalli: It was a side variation. White should have a slight initiative. But she just has to find the correct plan. I am not sure if 15.Ncd5 is correct move. I think it is too quick to give me a chance to exchange. At least that’s what I think. Here, I thought anytime I am going to take on c6, it is going to be too passive. She will have a good position and will keep playing. So I decided to make this d5-pawn isolated and try to keep some chances.

So, to my mind, she had to be very careful about this d5 pawn. I felt some weakness to target. I don’t know how good was 20…h5. Over the board I felt it is quite practical to play it. I calculated this variation and it was ok to my mind.

But after 25.h3 I started to misplay. 26…Ke7 was still ok. But then 27…Ra5 was not a good move. Better was 27…Nxd5+ 28.Kxe4 c6 29.Be2 and here at least I have 29…h4.

Mariya Muzychuk: I don’t think white has an advantage in this position. It’s equal.

Harika Dronavalli: That’s what I felt as well. But variation I played was really bad. I can even include in the same variation (27…Nxd5+) the move 29…b5. It’s all the same, but at least my rook could have been in a better position. But in the variation I played I moved my rook on a wrong square and I gave her tempo. Later because of 27…Ra5 she was slightly better.

Anastasia Karlovich: Masha, how did you estimate your position? Can you show us some critical moments to your mind?

Mariya Muzychuk: I liked my position here. But probably 29…h4 was better instead of 29…c6. And after that c6 is possible.

Harika Dronavalli: Yes, I saw it as well. But I thought 29…h4 30.Kf3 (with next Kg4). 30…Ra4, 31.Rc4 maybe.

I shouldn’t have allowed this 30.g4. I thought she is getting in with the king – Kf3, Kg4. Maybe I was wrong. I should not have played 29…c6.

Anastasia Karlovich: After 30.g4, taking on g4, what do you think about your position?

Mariya Muzychuk: During the game I thought my position was much better. I expected to win this game. But black had many tricks and I started to think and spent a lot of time.

Harika Dronavalli: After I made a move (33…Nf6+) I expected only 34.Kf3. Only later I realized that 34.Kf5 is also possible. Maybe 34.Kf3 Rh8 is the move after that.

Mariya Muzychuk: Then 35.Re1 Kf8 36.Kg3 d5. Yes, there is a counter play.

Harika Dronavalli: I think 34.Kf5 is quite strong move over the board practically.

Mariya Muzychuk: Here after 36.Re6 I expected 36…Nd7+ 37. Kg5 Nc5.

Harika Dronavalli: But here if I continue this line, at one point after 38.Re3 I can’t stop the pawns. I thought it would be difficult, for if my knight doesn’t come back to my pawns.

Mariya Muzychuk: You could have played 38…d5 there.

Harika Dronavalli: Then 39.f5 d4 40.Rh3 d3 41.Bd1 with idea b4, but there is 41…Ne4+

Mariya Muzychuk: Very dangerous knight still.

Harika Dronavalli: I thought if my knight is far from passed pawns, it is easier for my opponent to play. That’s why I decided to take it.

Later I don’t know what was happening there if 38.Rf6 Nh3+ 39.Kf5, maybe 39.Kg6 even. This ending is crazy completely. Difficult one.

Anastasia Karlovich: In general, what black should do? Keep the rooks or change them?

Harika Dronavalli: If possible, I would like to keep my rooks. But the position was very concrete. I think after 41.Re2 white was clearly better.

Mariya Muzychuk: 41…c5 is a very strong move. I calculated 42.Be6+ Kd6 43.Bf5 and then 43…Ne5 44.Rd2+ Kc6. But probably it’s not winning at all. That’s why I wanted to get a rook ending.

Harika Dronavalli: Yes, that’s why I had to play 42…Nf4. Suddenly it became very concrete now. I think I am already saving this position.

Later, If I play 46…Rh8+ 47.Bh7, and I can’t stop the g-pawn.

Mariya Muzychuk: Yes, that was my plan.

Harika Dronavalli: So, I started with 46…b6. And I am not sure about 47.Rf7. What if white goes 47.Rb7?

Mariya Muzychuk: Then 47…Nd5 comes.

Harika Dronavalli: 47…Nd5 and 48…Nf6 is coming. Okay, 47.Rf7 Rd8 is my practical chance, and after 48…Rh8+ I got a counter.

Even if I give my knight for a pawn, it should be a draw soon.

After 50.Rf5+ I had to make a tough decision whether I should enter the rook ending or not. It was hard for me to understand. Maybe it was equal.

Then I chose 50…Kd6. I thought 51.Rxf4 was the only try here. It could go on Kxd7 52.g5 Rxb2 53.Kf7 and I think I am fast enough.

After the game move 51.Bxb5 I think it is easier for me to play. If white moves 52.Kf7, then it is 52…Rh7+ and direct draw. After 55…c4 it started to be very tricky and my opponent had to give the pawn back.

Anastasia Karlovich: Harika, did you have a feeling that something went wrong in the game?

Harika Dronavalli: Yes, because I gave her one tempo and gave her 30.g4. Because of these two moves, I had got a very bad position. But I managed to equalize it.

Anastasia Karlovich: Harika, what did you do yesterday? You had a free day. I wonder did you follow tie break games online or you tried to get some rest?

Harika Dronavalli: No, definitely I did not see live games, but later I went online to check the results. I had so many playing days. I just wanted to have some rest. That is what I was doing during my free day.

Anastasia Karlovich: Mariya, my question is to you. What about your sister? Did she decide to stay and help you?

Mariya Muzychuk: My sister stayed here with me. I am very happy that she did not leave me. I hope that she could give me some good advices.

Anastasia Karlovich: Thank you, dear girls for coming.

Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar