President Obama making an appearance at the Caterpillar plant in Peoria, IL

Obama calls on Republicans to back stimulus plan

February 12, 2009
Peoria, IL, USA

PEORIA, Illinois (AFP) — US President Barack Obama on Thursday made a fresh plea for Republicans to back his 789 billion dollar economic stimulus plan, a day before the package is expected to finally clear Congress.

“It is time for Congress to act, and I hope they act in a bipartisan fashion,” Obama said during a visit to a plant of construction machine giant Caterpillar, which recently laid off more than 20,000 people.

“But no matter how they act, when they do, when they finally pass our plan, I believe it will be a major step forward on our path to economic recovery,” Obama said.

Not a single Republican voted for the plan when it initially passed the House of Representatives, and only three backed it in the Senate, dashing the president’s hopes for sweeping bipartisan majorities.

Now the two different versions of the bill have been merged, and final votes are set in both chambers on Friday, the day of Obama’s self-imposed deadline for passing the bill.

The president argued that the massive bill would unleash economic growth and recreate the jobs of millions of Americans who have been laid off as the worst economic crisis since the 1930s bites deep into the economy.

“The head of Caterpillar said that if Congress passes our plan, this company will be able to rehire some of the folks who were just laid off — and that’s a story I’m confident will be repeated at companies across the country,” Obama said.

Obama’s visit to his home state of Illinois was the latest step of a campaign-style blitz of appearances that has also narrowed in on hard-hit economic zones in Indiana and Florida.

On Tuesday, Obama will continue his whirlwind tour with a trip to Denver, Colorado and he will travel on to Arizona the next day, a White House aide said.

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