1.e6!!! does it! BQ is hanging while W threatens mate by 2.exf7 if BQ moves and loses control of f7. Black will have to lose his Q for a R; white with Q for R and a mating attack will finish off Black shortly.
…This seems to be very easy to spot… 1. e6! (And black has to forgo the queen), as the Black Queen is directly attacked by White Queen on g3 and black should prevent checkmate (by 2.exf7#). The double attack on Queen and mating threat is cannot be handled easily. Since the black queen cannot leave the 7 th rank, and after 2.exf7+ Qxf7 3. RxQ, and black is Queen down for Rook. The black pawn on C5, which is preventing a check by black Queen seems to be the biggest culprit here.
1.e6!!! does it! BQ is hanging while W threatens mate by 2.exf7 if BQ moves and loses control of f7. Black will have to lose his Q for a R; white with Q for R and a mating attack will finish off Black shortly.
1….Qe7/Rc8.2.exf7+.Qxf7.3.Rxf7.Kxf7. 4.Qe5!!Bxh6.5.Rf1+.Kg8.6.Qe6+.Kg7.7.Qf7#
1.e6! hits the nail on the head.Black Q is en prise & 2.exf7# if 1…. Qxg3.
1…. Bd6 is met by 2.QxB retaining the same threat.
…This seems to be very easy to spot…
1. e6! (And black has to forgo the queen), as the Black Queen is directly attacked by White Queen on g3 and black should prevent checkmate (by 2.exf7#). The double attack on Queen and mating threat is cannot be handled easily. Since the black queen cannot leave the 7 th rank, and after 2.exf7+ Qxf7 3. RxQ, and black is Queen down for Rook. The black pawn on C5, which is preventing a check by black Queen seems to be the biggest culprit here.
1. e6 Qe7 2. exf7+ Qxf7 3. Rxf7 1-0
e6 end of everything