Compromise is winning move in chess
Tribune Editorial

Life often isn’t easy for children who go to school at home. While they get to develop special bonds with their parents and study at their own pace, they often miss out on the social activities and characterbuilding competition that comes from learning in a classroom setting.

Many home-school parents try to compensate for this by finding venues and activities their children can enter with other home-school children or with kids at traditional schools. State law encourages this by requiring publicly funded schools to allow home-school students to compete for a position on interscholastic teams. So we frequently see home-school students playing on traditional sport teams from football to tennis.

But an ongoing dispute about the proper role of a competitive chess team made up of East Valley homeschool students raises a question about how much accommodation should be provided by regular schools.

The Tribune reported April 8 that members of the Mesa-based Chevalier Noir team had entered the statewide championships sponsored by the Arizona Chess Federation under an exception to a rule that encourages all teams to be sponsored by a school — whether it be district, charter or private. A committee of parents, including those with students in traditional school and those who teach their kids at home, recommended a permanent exception to make the federation more inclusive.

Here is the full article.

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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