Dear friends and colleagues:

I just wrote a guest editorial piece about the upcoming USCF election for In this piece, I discussed about the unsavory and sickening behind the scene chess politics of the USCF. It is a harmful culture that held back US Chess and the USCF for a long time.

There is no more Bobby Fischer boom. It is up to us to set the course of this federation. It is up to us to set up the positive image for US Chess and the USCF. It is up to us to make this federation financially sound. It is up to us to help the USCF become a desirable organization for corporate sponsors and supporters.

Many life long chess politicians think that I am a detriment to chess and the USCF. They publicly said so. They prefer the way how the USCF operates for past decades. They do not approve of the scholastic, college, adult, military, professional, correspondence, internet and women’s chess that I promote every single day. They do not approve of the countless positive media attention that I have brought to US Chess and the USCF. They do not want changes. They desperate want to preserve the status quo.

Instead of helping me help US Chess and the USCF and focusing on doing the right things, they resorted to lies, personal attacks, insults, legal threats and potential lawsuits to try to force me to drop out of this election. They tried to split up my team even before the election takes place to keep control of the USCF.

Some even purposely leaked confidential info or made up outrageous lies for political purpose while putting the USCF in serious legal trouble. They tried every trick in the book. I could probably write a best selling book about what I have faced in the past 5-6 months. But I have news for them. I am not going to stop promoting chess positively and helping our sport grow. Every negative act by our chess politicians motivates me to do even more!

What kept me going is the thousands of supporting and encouraging emails and messages from YOU! What kept me going is your belief in me! What kept me going is my passion and love for chess. What kept me going is my strong belief of always doing the right things.

The integrity of this game will always come first in my book! Thank you again for all of your support! You have no idea how much it means to me. I hope that you will give the four of us, Mikhail Korenman, Paul Truong, Randy Bauer and me a chance to fix the USCF. Your voices will be heard in a few weeks when you receive the ballots in the June 2007 Chess Life. Thank you for believing in my mission and passion!

Best wishes,
Susan Polgar

Click here to read my guest editorial piece.

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