Leko is content with drawing his game. Today is another peaceful draw for him against Bacrot. He still leads Aronian and Topalov by 1/2 and 1 point respectively with just two rounds to go. Guess who he has to play in the next 2 rounds? You got it! Topalov and Aronian.

It seems that Svidler has given up on this event. He took a 20 move draw against Aronian with the White pieces.

There were still plenty of play left in the Vallejo versus Radjabov game. But they decided to call it a day on move 45.

Topalov fought hard to win a pawn against Ivanchuk. However, with the Rook and Bishop opposite color endgame, he did not want to waste energy for an almost impossible to win position. He has a big game against Leko tomorrow.

There are no changes in the standings.

1. 7.5 GM Peter Leko (Hungary 2740)

2. 7.0 GM Levon Aronian (Armenia 2752)

3-4. 6.5 GM Teimour Radjabov (Azerbaijan 2700), GM Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria 2801)

5. 6.0 GM Peter Svidler (Russia 2765)

6-7 5.0 GM Etienne Bacrot (France 2717), Vassily Ivanchuk (Ukraine 2729)

8 4.5 GM Francisco Vallejo Pons (Spain 2650) Posted by Picasa

Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar