Nils Grandelius

Sweden’s best chess player Nils Grandelius challenged USA’s super talent Sam Sevian in a 2-game rapid duel with time control 15′ + 10″. The event took place on January 5, 2016, at 8.30 PM CET, in Swedish capital Stockholm.

Official websiteStandings and statistics

Grandelius won both of the games. The first encounter was in Two-Knight Variation of Ruy Lopez, while the second one, when Sevian was White, was opened with the original moves 1.b4 e5 2.a3.

The match was broadcasted live on Expressen TV.

The graphics below have shown the emotional condition of the players. Curves indicate their heartbeat. Long curves mean calm breath, while short curves – tensed. Samuel Sevian’s heartbeat was up to 120 beats in particular moments of the games.

The Red, Blue, Green statistics were another indicator – the green one tells if the player is balanced or not, while blue hill shows whether the player is in his comfort zone. A big blue hill means that the player is in the zone, while small hills are an indicator for getting out of the comfort zone.

You can replay the games with analysis below.


The organizer Ingemar Falk

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