N.C. Open Championship
Greensboro, NC
NOV. 2-4, 2007
5-SS, 30/90, SD/1. (2-day option Rd. 1 G/90). Clarion Hotel Greensboro Airport, 415 Swing Road (I-40 at Exit 213), Greensboro, North Carolina 27409. (336)-299-7650. $8,000 b/165 full entries, $4,000 Guaranteed!
In 7 sections:
Open: $900-500-225, u2200- $600-300-150.
Under 2000: $600-300-150, u1900- $100.
Under 1800: $600-300-150, u1700- $100.
Under 1600: $600-300-150, u1500- $100.
Under 1400: $500-250-125, u1300- $100.
Under 1200: $450-225-125, u1000- $100.
Unrated: Trophies to top 5 (Unrated must play in Unrated or Open sections).
EF: $69 3-day, $68 2-day if received by 10/31; $75 at site. GM’s and IM’s free, $65 deducted from prize. Juniors: $63 in advance, $69 at site. Unrated EF: $21 3-day, $22 2-day by 10/31; $25 at site.
Re-entry: $40.
Byes: all rounds, limit 2, must commit in advance.
3-day schedule — Reg.: ends 11/02 at 7 p.m. Rounds: 7:30 p.m.; 2:30-7:30, 10:15-3:30.
2-day schedule — Reg.: ends 11/03 at 9:30 a.m. Rounds: 1st at 10 a.m., then merges with 3-day.
USCF and NCCA ($5) membership is required, other states ok. NCCA business meeting is 11/04 at 8:45 to 10 a.m.
Hotel: $89 Double/King 2 Complimentary Breakfast per room night!! Cut-off date on 10/15 to be guaranteed a room. Mention Chess.
Info: Thad Rogers (478)-742-5607, Atlanta Chess Center (404)-377-4400. This tournament is sponsored by American Chess Promotions on the behalf of the North Carolina Chess Assn. Enter: American Chess Promotions, 3055 General Lee Road, Macon, Georgia 31204-1517. NS. NC. W. e-mail: atlantachess@yahoo.com. Grand Prix Points: 15
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