Boris Spassky will award the winner in the children’s tournament M-Tel Masters Junior

(Sofia, 12 May 2008) The 10th chess World Champion Boris Spassky will award the winner in the children’s chess tournament M-Tel Мasters Junior on 17 May in Sofia. Spassky will hand the winner his award – a laptop computer. The legendary chess player arrives in Sofia on 13 May with a flight from Paris at 14:05 local time.

The competition will start at 9:00 local time in the Central Military Club in Sofia where currently is held the fourth edition of the traditional super chess tournament M-Tel Masters. The tournament is open for boys and girls who were born after 1 January 1994 from the chess clubs in Bulgaria.

The participants will play 6 rounds according to the Swiss system with a control of 10 minutes for a player for the whole game. The first two players in the ranking after that will play a final match of two games to determine the final winner. In case of a draw in the final mach an additional game will be played where the player with white has 6 minutes and his opponent has 5 minutes. In case of a draw in that game the player with black wins.

The participant who lost in the final and the best of the girls will receive a cup and a chess clock DGT each. For the participants ranked from 3rd to 6th among the boys and the 2nd and 3rd among the girls will get as prizes chess sets Staunton, chess boards and books.

M-Tel Masters Junior is a children’s chess tournaments circuit, starting this year in Bulgaria. Four Bulgarian towns will host tournaments and the winners in them will play at a final competition in Sofia to determine the best children under 14.

Source: Mtel

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