Any prediction as to what Morozevich will play?
Morozevich – Anand
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.Nc3 c6 5.e3 Nbd7 6.Bd3 dxc4 7.Bxc4 b5 8.Bd3 Bb7 9.0–0 a6 10.e4 c5 11.d5 c4 12.Bc2 Qc7 13.dxe6 fxe6 14.Nd4 Nc5 15.Be3 e5 16.Nf5 g6 (I have not seen this move before. This may be a new novelty by Anand)
17.Nh6 (The players were cranking out move at lightning pace. Morozevich is the first to spend a little time before he played Nh6, probably partly because he had not seen 16…g6 before.)
17…Bg7 (Anand also took a little time before playing Bg7. The position is roughly equal. White is faster with development. However the Bishop on c2 is not in an ideal place. Black can work on the e4 target and the f file. The Slav Meran Variation has been quite popular in the last decade or so. In the Kramnik – Topalov match, they played it with both colors. The question now how does Black castle? Someone just told me that their head to head record is 8 wins each and 10 draws. I cannot confirm yet but it is interesting if true.)
18.Qf3 (I must say that this is not the first move that came to my head. But a move like this is not unusual for Morozevich. It is kind of awkward for a Queen to protect the e4 pawn.)
18…Ne6 (A logical move for White now is to occupy the d file with Rad1.)
19.Qh3 Bc8 (I actually prefer Nd4 a little better. I think that move would give White more difficulties.)
20.Qh4 (Anand has about 1 hour and 20 minutes left and Moro has about 55 minutes. This is an extremely complicated position.)
20…Qe7 21.Rfe1 Nd5 22.Qxe7+ Nxe7 23.Nd5 Bb7 (I feel that Black is a little better because White’s pieces are not as coordinated as White. But it is a very small ad.)
24.Ng4?! (24.Nxe7 Kxe7 25. f3 would be better than what Morozevich actually played.)
24…Nd4 25.Bd1 Nxd5 26.exd5 0–0–0 27.Bg5 Rxd5 28.b3? (This move makes no sense at all. This would just give Anand a passed pawn. I prefer 28.Ne3.)
28…c3 29.Ne3 Rc5 30.Rc1 Rc7 31.b4 Kb8 -+ 32.h3 h6 33.Bh4 Nf5 (I am not sure if it is needed to exchange the Knight. White’s pieces are uncoordinated and perhaps it is better to leave the Knight on the board.)
34.Nxf5 gxf5 35.Bc2 Rc4 36.Be7 e4 37.Bb3 (Black has a big advantage. He just has to be patient in converting it. I expect 37…Rd4. White cannot take the c3 pawn due to the discovery.)
37…Rd4 38.Bc5 Rd3 39.Be6 Bc8 40.Bb3 Re8 41.Bf7 Re5 42.Be3 (Anand still maintains a big advantage. Hikaru said on ICC that he thinks White can hold but it would be very difficult. It would be a big blow for Anand if he fails to convert this game.)
42…Re7 43.Bg6 Be6 44.h4 Bxa2 45.Bxf5 Bd5 46.Bc5 Re8 47.f3 (Anand still has a very strong position. However, the problem is there are 4 Bishops on the board and counterplay/cheap opportunities can occur. That is why he has to be extremely cautious.)
47…Kb7 48.fxe4 Bc6 49.Kf2 Rd2+ (49…Re5 may be interesting here.)
50.Ke3 Be5 51.Kf3 Red8 52.Re3 Rg8 53.g4 Rh2 54.h5?? (Now 54…Rd8 wins for Black)
54…rd8 55.g5 (This is now lost for White.)
55…Rxh5 56.Be7 Re8 (This may not be the most accurate move. I think this will let Morozevich back in play. I would have preferred 56…Rd2, much more agressive.)
57.Kg4 Rh2 (The move that will give Moro best drawing chances is 58.Bf6.)
58.Bf6 Rg2+ 59.Kh3 Rh2+ 60.Kg4 Rg2+ 61.Kh3 1/2 (A miracle escape for Morozevich and a big miss for Anand. This just shows that it is never over until it is over.)
1. e4
Morozevich will play e4… and if c5 may head for delayed alapin… if e5 may try the scotch again.
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d4 against Anand is a good idea.
I am sure Moro has some nasty surprise for him 🙂
Not that anyone can read and understand the moves, but GM Susan, the moves in the blog are wrong. The correct moves are:
8.Bd3 Bb7 9 0-0 a6 10.e4 c5 etc.
You can delete the above
Morozevich is preventing Anand from castling so it seems Can he persist in this idea?
Susan, it was Anand who took a long time before playing Bg7, not Morozevich =)
You said
“Morozevich also took a little time before playing Bg7″… you meant Anand right?..
Hi Susan,
How do you think Black can castle in Moro – Anand? After say 18) f3 how should Black continue.
Instead of 17..Bg7, Black could have grabbed the pawn at e4.
I wonder why not?
How will black castle? Or will he castle?
The 8+ 8- 10= can be confirmed at This figure includes rapid matches but, of course, Anand is known as the king of rapid.
I am a 1800 player and I see all kinds of advantages for White. King safety being #1
How about 19. N-d5, hoping to open up the e-file.
I can just saense that Vishy is waiting for Moro to over-reach in this poromosing looking position.
Anand vs. Morozevich: +8 -8 =10; but in classical games Anand leads +3 -2 =4
Moro played 25.Bd1.. but 25.Bxd4 Bxd5 26 Bxe5 could have made White a pawn up. Right?
Why are you not updating?? Guess I should be looking else where. Good bye Susan.
In the comment to move 37, do you mean “black has a big advantage” rather than “white has a big advantage”?
im pretty sure she meant black has the advantage
Looks like a bad inaccuracy with 43 …Be6
Why is 43. …Be6 inaccurate?
a3 will leave the b3 square available for black to post his bishop and assist with the advancement of the pawn …. but it doe not look like he has any other move
I was a little bit shocked when I saw “white has a big advantage”. Now I see that it is changed to “black has a big advantage” 🙂
White could possibly play 44.Rc2 and answer 44. … Red7 with 45. Bh5 thus keeping Black’s light squared bishop from invading b3.
Amateur’s moves:
44.. Bxa2
45.Ra1 Rd2
46.Bxd2 cxd2
47.Red1 Bxa1
48..Rxa1 Bb3
Black is up 2 pawns and close to winning.
looks like both Anand and Kramnik messed up their chances
I think Kramnik’s winning.
Anand looks to me to be winning. There is a lot of chances for Black sacrificing his rook currently on the e file for the bishop on c5, and getting three connected passed pawns on the queenside. Black can then blockade the white pawns on e and c with his bishops, prevent the white rook from penetrating on the D file by covering the keys squares with the bishops, while supporting the advancement of the queen side pawns.
Another plan for black might be moving the bishop to e5 and g3, then checking the king and taking white’s bishop on C5, again connecting two or three pawns on the queenside.
White has to play to prevent both those ideas from becoming real threats. So white is on the defensive, and Black can probably play for a win.
55.g5 looks like a ?? move to me.
Wow…Rd2 would have been better from Anand. More still has drawing chances.
Anand looks like a bit tired from two consecutive long days.
As observed, one that got away…
55…Rdd2 was indicated
Annand should have played on… with idea of B-d5, taking the pawn on b4.
:(( Sad to see Anand not winning this one.
So…i think that the opening was
wrong…better 19.Ne2 or 19.Rd1
And for sure and 25.Nc7 was a must to old the plus
An was good for white for sure
Anand played bad…many errors and missing winning move
21.Re1?! the wrong place for the rook
better Rd1 i think followed by Rd2 and a4
33.Bh4 Nf5?!
33. …c2! and Rc8 winning
39…f4! winning after Rd2 e c2
and so on…too many errors dear Anand