Magnus’ chess brilliancy Chess tactic, Magnus Carlsen, Puzzle Solving White to move. How should Magnus proceed?r1b4r/p3k1p1/1pQbBR1p/8/3P3q/4P3/P5PP/1R4K1 w – – 0 1 Magnus vs. Groenn 2005 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
I think 1.Rf7+ (1…Ke6 2.Qc4+#) Kd8 2. Rd7+ (2…Bd7 3.Qd7+#) Ke8 3.Rd6+ Kf8 and Mr. Magnus knows how to end the agony.
Rf7 seems to be the move.
1. Rf7+ Kxe6 2. Qc4# (or 1…Kd8 2. Qxd6+)
Mate in 5, unless I am seeing things.
1. Rf7 Kd8 (Ke6 2.Qc4#)
2. Rd7 Ke8 (Bd7 3.Qd7#)
3. Bf7 Kf8
4. Qd6 Qe7
5. Qe7#
The mate in which black takes at e6 on the first move wasn’t immediately obvious to me, I spent a few minutes staring at it before Qc4# slapped me up side the head.
R-F7 … White wins
1.Rf7+ should work. Mate or winning B & R should be enough.
Rf7+ Kd8 (Kxe6 Qc4#) Qxd6+ Ke8 Qc6+ Kd8 Qxa8
Who I am to tell Carlsen how should proceed?
Salve Magnus!