Kateryna Lahno – Women’s World Blitz champion
By WGM Yana Melnikova

The Russian State Social University and the Moscow Chess Federation in co-operation with the Russian Chess Federation and under the aegis of FIDE organized the 2010 FIDE Women’s World Blitz Championship from September 15 to September 18, 2010.

The final tournament was a double round-robin between the 16 finalists, for 30 rounds total, held September 17 and 18th.

The leader of the Ukrainian national team, grandmaster Kateryna Lahno (2539) was crowned the Women’s World blitz champion, after winning the event on Sunday in Moscow, taking home 10 thousand Euros for her efforts.

This particular event in Moscow is the first of its kind in recent history. The previous edition, the actual first in history, took place in 1992, and was won by ex-world champion Zsuzsa Polgar (Susan Polgar as she is known in the US).

Here is the full article with many pictures.

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