At first, I wanted to keep the black king from escaping through f7, so I worked on the sacrifice of 1.Rg7 for a while, but kept running into the problem that the white bishop was in the way of the queen along the diagonal, and in my line, the second white rook gets in the way of the queen at h7. So, it occurred to me to look at clearing the bishop out of the queen’s way right from the start, and when I did, I find a mate in 3 pretty damn quick:
1. Bc4
The point is that with the bishop out of the way, Rg7 is an unstoppable threat as it is the queen that penetrates to h7. Cont.:
Black has many ways to parry check, but they all lead to mate, mostly after Rxg7 and Qh7 mate. If black parries with the rook interposition, white takes it and mates with Rh8
If black captures the bishop or interposes on d5, then Rxg7+ followed by Qh7 mate
If black interposes on f7 then Rh8 mates
Bg6 followed by Rh8#
Bg6?? Only if white plays twice in a raw. Both the kight and the rook cover g6
Bc4+ QxB
Rxg7+ KxR
1. Bc4+ to clear the b1-h7 diagnol for the queen.
If 1. … R8f7 or R6f7 then,
2. Rh8#.
On any other move, say 1. …. Qxc4, then
2. Rxg7+ Kxg7
3. Qh7#
1. Bg6? Nxg6
now what?
Bc4+ followed by Rxg7+ Kxg7 Qh7#.
Bc4,-; Rxg7+,Kxg7; Qh7#
1.Bc4+…black any (except…Re6)
3.Qh7 mate
if 1…Re6 then
3.Rh8 mate
1.Bc4+! … Rxg7+! and Qh7# mate.
1.Bc4+! followed by either 2.Rxg7+ and 3.Qh7# (or 1…Rf7 2.Rh8#).
bc4+ bxc4
rg7+ kg7
bc4 threats rg7, qh7#
1. Bc4+
– bxc4 (qxc4 etc) 2. rxg7 Kxg7 3. qh7#
– r(8,6)f7 2. rh8#
1. Bc4+ … anything
2. Rxg7+ Kxg7
3. Qh7#
Let’s try:
1. Bc4+ any
2. Rg7+ Kg7
3. Qh7#
At first, I wanted to keep the black king from escaping through f7, so I worked on the sacrifice of 1.Rg7 for a while, but kept running into the problem that the white bishop was in the way of the queen along the diagonal, and in my line, the second white rook gets in the way of the queen at h7. So, it occurred to me to look at clearing the bishop out of the queen’s way right from the start, and when I did, I find a mate in 3 pretty damn quick:
1. Bc4
The point is that with the bishop out of the way, Rg7 is an unstoppable threat as it is the queen that penetrates to h7. Cont.:
1. …..bc4 (or d5, Qc4)
2. Rg7 Kg7
3. Qh7#
How about this?
1. Bc4+ Q*B
2. Rg7+ K*R
3. Qh7 mate
Bc4+ followed by Rxg7+ and Qh7 mate looks good!
a)1…either Rf7
2.Rh8 mate !
b)any other defence
2.Rxg7+ and 3.Qh7 mate !
1- Bc4+; Qxc4 (or bxc4, or d5, or Nd5; covering the check with either rook is not viable due to Rh8#)
2- Rxg7+ ; Kxg7
3- Qh7 mate
The point of 1-Bc4+ is to make room so the white queen can reach h7 without wasting a tempo.
I think
1. Bc4+ …
2. Rxg7+ Kxg7
3. Qh7++
Bc4+ followed by Rg7+ and
then Queen to H7
R7H5 and from there try to attack the immovability of the black queen, based on the black’s move.
Bc4+ 1-0
I believe that the key move for white is 1.BC4+! Regardless of blacks response, White now threatens 2.Rg7+! & Qh7#
1. b4 Qd5
2. Rh7h5 Qe6
3. Bf5 Qf7
4. Bh7+ Kh8
5. Bg6+
1. b4 Qd5
2. Rh7h5 Qe6
3. Bf5 Qf7
4. Bh7+ Kh8
5. Bg6+
Bc4ch, followed by Rxg6ch and Qh7mate
Pretty forced I would say…
Bc4+ followed by Rxg7+ and Qh7+ mate.
Bc4 followed by Rxg7 looks to be mate
1.Bc4+ d5 2.Rxg7+ Kxg7 3.Qh7++
Armando Silva-RS/Brasil
1. Bxc4+ either bxc4 or Qxc4
2. Rxg7+ Kxg7
3. Qh7#
1. Bc4+
2. Rxg7+ Kxg7
3. Qh7#
Double-sacrifice. Easy when you know there’s some opportunity on.
Black has many ways to parry check, but they all lead to mate, mostly after Rxg7 and Qh7 mate. If black parries with the rook interposition, white takes it and mates with Rh8
BC4 check is the key starting move
If not for that pesky Bishop in the way, White would have a mate in two, since the Black rooks block the escape squares for the King. So . . .
1. Bc4+! bxc4
Same result after 1. … Qxc4, 1. … d5, 1. … Nd5, 1. … Bd5, or 1. … Qd5.
If 1. … R(either)f7
2. Rh8 mate
If 1. … Re6; 2. Bxe6+ Rf7; 3. Rh8 mate.
2. Rxg7+ Kxg7
3. Qh7 mate
1.Bc4+ d5
2.Rxg7+ Kxg7
Mate in three:
1. Bc4+ bxc (or anything else)
2. Rg7+ Kx7. 3. Qh7x
1. BC4+, any capture;
2. Rxg7+,KxR;
3. Qh7++
This is easy. Bc4+
followed by Rg7+
and Qh7 mate